The Mirror Closet French Door is 8-1/4" in depth. It could also be upgraded to our 12" depth to integrate features such as a laundry hamper, dresser drawers, shoe rack shelves, or clothes rods! And for those shallow closets, you can get this unit in our shallowest depths of 5-1/4" for an out-swing or 6-1/4" for an in-swing! This door in standard sizes will fit doorways from 4-6 feet in width (Custom sizing available).
French Doors are available as in-swings or out-swings.
Average door weight is 125-150 lbs, per door, depending on the specifications of the door.
Total width the inside dimension of jamb is the size listed on your door option IE: 30" door is 30" inside to inside of Jamb
3/4" Veneer Engineered Solid Core MDF for sides, 3/4" doubled for total thickness of 1 1/2" for top and bottom, shelves. 3/4" Solid Hardwood face frames (excluding paint grade).