Drivia insulating enclosures for the realization of residential electrical panels from 1 to 4 rows of 18 modules
Drivia insulating enclosures for the realization of residential electrical panels from 1 to 4 rows of 18 modules
Drivia insulating enclosures for the realization of residential electrical panels from 1 to 4 rows of 18 modules

    Drivia insulating enclosures for the realization of residential electrical panels from 1 to 4 rows of 18 modules

    3.6 out of 5 stars3.6(5 reviews)
    DRIVIA 18モジュールキャビネット-自己消火性:グローワイヤーへの耐性750°C-標準NF EN 60 695-2-11に準拠したERP(公共建築物)およびIGH(高層ビル)の規制に準拠-準拠IEC60670-24に準拠-IEC62208規格に準拠:IEC 61 439-3に準拠したアセンブリを許可-詳細については、https://www.legrand.fr/pro/nous-contacterまでお問い合わせください。
    • Cabinets 18 modules per row - White RAL 9003 - 3 position reclining rails and extractables - space under rails: 40 mm - distance between rails 125 mm - class II with insulating bottom plates - IP 30 - IK 05 (IP 40 - IK 07 with door) - Delivered with: IP 2X self-connecting terminal block for protective conductors + 1 Phase terminal block and 1 Neutral IP 2X terminal block (except 4 012 21). Capabilities of terminal blocks on technical page - shutters separable by module and half-module - pre-fixing accessories on GTL (or wall) DRIVIA clip + horizontal / vertical pairing accessories (for 2 boxes or box + plates) DRIVIA easy - adhesive planes - label board and labeling strip for modular devices + 1 label holder per row - Can be mounted on GTL trunking, in wall box or on wall - Number of rows: 1 - Height: 250 - Width: 355 - Thickness: 103.5
    • Unique refLG-Drivia-18modules
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2018-04-30
    • エディション1
    • 幅(mm)355
    • 奥行き(mm)103.5
    • 主なマテリアルポリエチレン (EPS)
    • 副マテリアルポリカーボネイト
    • 正味重量(kg)1855
    • BIMobjectカテゴリ電気設備 - 配電器具・装置
    • IFC分類配電
    • ETIM コードEG000011
    • ETIM 名Cabinet enclosures
    • Uniclass2015コードPr_80_77_28_16
    • Uniclass2015詳細Control circuit device enclosures
    • MasterFormat 2014 コード26 27 16
    • MasterFormat 2014 タイトルElectrical Cabinets and Enclosures
    • OmniClassNumber23-35 31 27
    • OmniClassタイトルPower Distribution Units
    • UniFormatIIコードD5010
    • UniFormatIIタイトルElectrical Service and Distribution

