Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert
    Kwik-Wall Company

    Model 3030 Operable Walls - 4" Hinged Pairs w/ Glass Insert


    操作可能な壁: モデル 3030 KWIK - WALL のモデル 3030 - ヒンジ付きペア操作は、2 枚のグループでヒンジで結合されたパネルを特徴とする最もリクエストの多い構成で、複数のパネルを迅速、簡単、効率的に移動できます。ヒンジ付きペア パネルは、高さ 4.93 m (16 フィート 2 インチ) までの直線の部屋分割用途に最適です。モデル 3030 構造は、耐久性のあるロールで製造された厚さ 3 5/8 インチ [92] のパネルを特徴としています。 -成形スチールフレームと標準スチールスキンにより、最大限の耐久性とサウンドコントロールを実現します。オプションの吸音基板パネルスキンもご利用いただけます。

    • プレミアム サウンド コントロール – 最大 56 STC。
    • パネルの厚さは4インチ。
    • 溶接鋼フレーム、鋼外板。
    • パネルの耐久性に優れています。
    • ADAパスドア。
    • 複数のパネル収納オプション。
    • パネルの高さは 30 フィート * まで。
    • 開口幅は無制限。
    • 無制限のパネル仕上げオプション
    • 目に見えないヒンジ – (オプション)。
    • 3000 GL – 断熱ガラスユニット、43 & 48 STC 認定。

    業界最高級のパフォーマンススチールパネルの操作可能な壁で、パネル厚さ 4 インチで設計され、高さ 30 フィートまでの開口部にフィットする堅牢な耐久性を備えて製造されており、開口部の幅は無制限です。シリーズ 3000スチール パネルは、独立した音響実験室テストによって、最大56 STC の業界最高クラスの音響性能を達成することが認定されています。

    優れたサウンドコントロールを維持しながら、操作可能な壁にクリアな視覚美を追加したいと考えていますか?オプションの3000 GLシリーズ パネルは、密閉型二重ガラス高性能断熱ガラス ユニット (43 & 48 STC) を提供し、固体 3000 シリーズ パネルと互換性があり交換可能です。 (詳細については、Operable Wall 製品のダウンロードを参照してください)

    3000 シリーズ GL 断熱ガラスユニット (IGU) パネルインサート

    Kwik-Wallトラックおよびキャリア システムは、STC とパーティションの高さに基づいたパネル重量をサポートするように精密に設計されており、トラック ジョイント全体でのスムーズで静かなパネル操作を促進します。タイプ 425 および 850 の透明な陽極酸化アルミニウム トラック押し出し材とタイプ 850 スチール トラックは、トラックと天井の境界面にきれいで鮮明なラインを実現します。

    Kwik-Wall は、当社のすべてのトラックおよびキャリア システムを業界最高の10 年間保証でサポートしているため、運用可能な壁に対して継続的なサービスを提供すると確信できます。

    アプリケーション: ホテル |市民ホールまたは展示ホール |体育館 |講堂 |学校

    • Model 3030 Hinged Pairs Product Specification


      1. Operable walls shall be Series 3000, Model 3030/3030GL Hinged Pairs as manufactured by KWIK-WALL Company


      1. Panel Dimensions: Standard panel dimension shall be a nominal 4" [101.6] thick.
      1. Panel Frame: Steel frame shall be 16-gauge galvanneal steel, horizontal top cross member shall be minimum 12-gauge galvanneal steel which meets or exceeds ASTM A 653 requirements. Frame shall be all-welded construction with steel corner supports and cross-bracing reinforcement. Panel frame shall be Class A rated, fire retardant, non-combustible and non-corrosive in accordance with ASTM E 84.
      2. Panel Skins: Panel skins shall be Class A rated (except Wood Veneer and High-Pressure Laminate) in accordance with ASTM E 84. Panel skin material shall consist of (select):
        1. Standard Steel Skins: consisting of minimum 22-gauge tension-leveled galvanneal steel, pressure laminated to a structural acoustical backer and mechanically joined to the steel frame to form a rigid, unitized and structural panel.
        2. Optional Acoustical Substrate: consisting of structural acoustical substrate pressure laminated to both sides of the steel frame to form a rigid, unitized and structural panel.
        3. Optional Wood Veneer: consisting of particle board core covered with wood veneer and pressure laminated to both sides of the steel frame to form a rigid, unitized and structural panel.
        4. Optional High Pressure Laminate: consisting of gypsum board core covered with general purpose plastic laminate and Phenolic backer sheet, which is pressure laminated to both sides of the steel frame to form a rigid, unitized and structural panel.
        5. Optional Glass (3030GL): Opening cut out in panel shall be glazed with insulated glass that is manufactured in accordance with ASTM E 2190. Glass type shall be an acoustical insulated glass unit. Glass shall be retained in opening cut out using an aluminum extrusion.
          43 STC - 1 3/4" Overall Thickness, 1/2" Laminated Glass - 1" Air Space - 1/4" Tempered Glass
          48 STC –1 7/8” Overall Thickness, 1/2" Laminated Glass - 1" Air Space – 3/8" Tempered Glass

      E. Panel Hinges: Panel hinges shall be (select)
      1. Architectural grade, full leaf butt hinges.
      2. Concealed hinges

      1. Panel Weight: Maximum panel weight shall be 5.9 – 12.9 lb./ft.2 (29 – 63 kg/m2) depending on STC rating, size and options selected.

      2.03 OPERATION

      A. Operation shall be Hinged Pairs, consisting of panels hinged together in groups of two (2), unless otherwise specified. Panels shall be top supported by one (1) carrier in each panel.


      1. A. Vertical Trim and Seals: Panels shall have vertical astragals containing flexible vinyl seals and incorporate reversible tongue-and-groove-type configurations for positive interlocking with adjacent panels. Vertical astragal type shall be (select):
        1. Standard Trimless Astragal: consisting of an aluminum extrusion with tongue-and-groove-type vertical astragals. Vertical trim shall not be permitted on the panel faces, resulting in a minimal groove appearance between adjacent panels.
        2.07 CLOSURE SYSTEMS
        A. Initial Closure System: The lead panel (the first panel exiting the stack) shall form a seal vertically against a rigid wall surface, as accomplished by a (select):
        1. Standard Bulb Seal: consisting of continuous-contact, flexible vinyl bulb seal(s) installed along the vertical edge of the lead panel for positive compression against a rigid wall surface.
        1. Optional Fixed Starter Jamb: consisting of an aluminum extrusion, which is permanently mounted to a structural wall surface. The Fixed Starter Jamb shall incorporate a tongue-and-groove-type vertical astragal for positive interlocking with the lead panel.
        2. 3. Optional Adjustable Starter Jamb:consisting of an aluminum extrusion which is permanently mounted to a structural wall surface and is field-adjustable to compensate for out-of-plumb conditions of the fixed wall. The Adjustable Starter Jamb shall incorporate a tongue-and-groove-type vertical astragal for positive interlocking with the lead panel.
        3. B. Final Closure System: The final closure panel (the last panel exiting the stack) shall form a seal vertically against a rigid wall surface. The type of final closure panel shall be (select):
          1. Standard Expander Panel Closure:consisting of an expander mechanism with a nominal 5" [127] of travel, activated from the face of the panel using a removable wrench as supplied by manufacturer. The Expander Panel shall be equipped with an adjustable bottom seal (standard) or (optional) operable bottom seal, and a flush pull handle
          A. Certification: The operable wall shall have been tested in an independent acoustical testing laboratory in accordance with ASTM E 90 and ASTM E 413 test procedures.
          B. STC Rating: The operable wall acoustical performance rating shall be based on (select):
          1. Standard Steel Skins: with a standard rating of 52 STC, or optional ratings of 46 STC, 50 STC or 56 STC.
          (Note: Not available with optional Wood Veneer or High-Pressure Laminate.)
          1. Optional Acoustical Substrate: with optional ratings of 43 STC, 46 STC, 48 STC or 50 STC.
          1. Optional Glass Insert(3030GL): with a standard rating of 43 or 48 STC.
            2.09 PANEL ACCESSORIES
            A. Accessories including Pass Doors; Single or Double, Keyed Cylinder Locks, Concealed Door Closures, Room Viewers, Exit Signs, Dry Marker Writing Surfaces, Recessed Eraser Trays, Vision Lites, Tack Surfaces and Pocket Doors shall be compatible with other accessories and options, furnished and installed by the operable wall manufacturer as noted on submitted shop drawings.
            2.10 TRACK SYSTEMS
        4. A. Track Type: The operable wall track system shall be (select):
          1. Standard Hinged Pairs Aluminum Track:extruded from structural aluminum alloy, which prohibits deterioration caused by rust or corrosion. The aluminum track shall have a durable anodized clear satin finish, which resists color fading and flaking. The track shall utilize grooves and interlocking steel pins for positive alignment of adjacent track sections. The track joints shall be reinforced overhead by a heavy-duty steel bracket made of hot-rolled, 3/8" [10] thick plate steel. Aluminum track shall include an integral nut slot to accept a hardened steel square nut to facilitate attachment of each steel all-rod and splice brackets to the overhead structural support.
          2. Optional Hinged Pairs Steel Track:consisting of roll-formed, low carbon steel, .215" [5] thick. The steel track shall have a durable powder-coated, off-white finish, which resists color fading and flaking. The steel track shall be reinforced overhead by heavy duty steel brackets made of hot-rolled, 3/8" [10] thick plate steel, as required for attaching threaded all-rod to the overhead structural support and for aligning track sections at each splice joint.
          B. Track Size: The track size shall be (selected from Track and Carrier Selection Chart – refer to Page 1):
          1. Type 425 Hinged Pairs Aluminum Track:certified to be capable of supporting up to 525 lb. (238 kg) of total live load weight per panel.
          1. Type 850 Hinged Pairs Aluminum Track:certified to be capable of supporting up to 850 lb. (386 kg) of total live load weight per panel.
          3. Type 850 Hinged Pairs Steel Track: certified to be capable of supporting up to 850 lb. (386 kg) of total live load weight per panel.
          2.11 CARRIER SYSTEMS
          A. Carrier Type: Each Hinged Pair panel shall be top supported by one (1) carrier utilizing a 5/8" [16] diameter pendant bolt. The carrier type shall be (select):
          1. Type 425 Standard Polymer Tire Carrier:consisting of four (4) permanently-lubricated, precision ball bearing steel wheels with high strength polymer tires, as required for smooth and quiet operation.
          1. Type 850 Standard Polymer Tire Carrier:consisting of four (4) permanently-lubricated, precision ball bearing steel wheels with high strength polymer tires, as required for smooth and quiet operation.
          3. Type 850 Optional Steel Wheel Carrier: consisting of four (4) permanently-lubricated, precision ground ball bearing polished steel wheels, as required for ease of panel movement.
          B. Carrier Size: The carrier size shall be (select from Track and Carrier Selection Chart – refer to Page 1):
          1. Type 425 Hinged Pairs Polymer Tire Carrier:certified to be capable of supporting up to 525 lb. (238 kg) of total live load weight per panel.
          1. Type 850 Hinged Pairs Polymer Tire Carrier:certified to be capable of supporting up to 850 lb. (386 kg) of total live load weight per panel.
          3. Type 850 Hinged Pairs Steel Wheel Carrier: certified to be capable of supporting up to 850 lb. (386 kg) of total live load weight per panel.
    • Unique ref3030GL_4in_Hinged_Pairs_Glass_Insert
    • コレクションセットOperable Partitions
    • コレクションKwik-Wall Company - Operable Walls
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2024-01-31
    • エディション1
    • 高さ(inch)288
    • 幅(inch)48
    • 奥行き(inch)4
    • 設計国アメリカ合衆国
    • 製造国アメリカ合衆国
    • 正味重量(lbs)8
    • BIMobjectカテゴリ壁 - 可動壁
    • IFC分類
    • Uniclass2015コードSs_25_12_65
    • Uniclass2015詳細Panel partition systems
    • MasterFormat 2014 コード10 22 39
    • MasterFormat 2014 タイトルFolding Panel Partitions
    • UniFormatIIコードC1010
    • UniFormatIIタイトルPartitions

