SPU 67 Thermo, sectional door

SPU 67 Thermo, sectional door

4.6 out of 5 stars4.6(9 reviews)
Hörmann sectional door SPU 67 Thermo – series 60 Double-skinned, PU-foamed steel section construction. With Environmental Product Declaration (EPD*) acc. to ISO 14025 and prEN 15804 *ift Rosenheim EPD-STPU-0.3.2 CE mark acc. to DIN EN 13241-1 Break-in resistance RC 2 optionally acc. to the latest DIN / 18194 Unfinished structural opening (width x height): 1200-10000 x 1875-7500 mm Application areas: Logistics, commercial halls, industrial halls, warehouses, workshops, collective garages
  • Performance characteristics: CE mark acc. to DIN EN 13241-1 Door leaf: Double-skinned PU-foamed steel sections made of hot-galvanized sheet steel with steel end caps, height of door sections 625/750 mm or 375/500 mm, bottom seal, intermediate seals and lintel seal made of EPDM, depth 67 mm. Optionally further glazings on request. Surface: Exterior and interior of steel section polyester primer-coated, coil coating based on RAL 9002 Grey white. Exterior S-ribbed, Stucco-textured with horizontal ribbing with a spacing of 125 mm, interior Stucco-textured. Optionally sections in 10 preferred colours, RAL to choose, metallic colours, British Standard or NCS colours on request. Door guide: Angle frame with side trap guard, made of hot-galvanized sheet steel, horizontal safety tracks, side seal made of EPDM. Counterbalance via torsion springs, min. 25000 door cycles (standard). Optionally stronger torsion springs (more door cycles) on request. Door operation: Operator WA 400 with control A445. Optionally further model variants (operators/controls) on request. Fitting: Professional fitting of a door including wiring as well as adjustment/alignment and test run on an existing base construction that is suitable for fitting the door. Note: The floor in the area of the door opening must be horizontal across the entire door width. The exterior floor should be inclined away from the door directly in front of the door curtain. Application areas: Logistics, commercial halls, industrial halls, warehouses, workshops, collective garages
  • Unique ref1491
  • コレクションセットIndustrial doors
  • コレクションSectional doors
  • 公開日2021-01-01
  • エディション1
  • 高さ(Mm)7500
  • 幅(mm)10000
  • 主なマテリアルスチール
  • 副マテリアルポリウレタン
  • 設計国ドイツ
  • 製造国ドイツ
  • BIMobjectカテゴリドア - 業務用ドア
  • IFC分類ドア
  • UNSPSC名称Doors
  • UNSPSC301715
  • Uniclass2015コードPr_30_59_24_75
  • Uniclass2015詳細Sectional overhead doorsets
  • MasterFormat 2014 コード08 36 13
  • MasterFormat 2014 タイトルSectional Doors
  • OmniClassNumber23-17 11 13
  • OmniClassタイトルMetal Doors
  • UniFormatIIコードB2030
  • UniFormatIIタイトルExterior Doors