gala*AluDesign*Border ... special features & advantages:
+ the most elegant and functional edging profile on the market ...
so the experts judge as landscape architects, landscapers and constractors
+ Compatibility of all AluDesign*Borders Types.
previously not possible design alternatives.
+ patented system
+ sliding ground anchor set ... wherever you need it
+ invisible ground anchor set from above and from the front view are until now unique
+ Coloring and engraving: ideal for marking parking lots,
exclusive plant labels, house entrance, front garden, cemetery, u.v.m.
The compatibility of AluDesign offers to design many possibilities.
+ Stability: can be increased arbitrarily by inserting another profile,
full or partial. Example: AD240 + AD100 or AD140 or AD240.
+ Color your area! With no other randborder you can color requests like that
realize creatively. Example: AD140 receives attachment from SecureDeko in color -
Advantages: Fall protection, optically wider and color for a small surcharge.
. + The unique novelties: + MagicLux * LotusClean * CortenRost*Look
+ The compatibility *
+ gala * ColourYourself * spray paint