Electrolux 11Kg White Premium Care Wall and Floor Clothes Dryer with Timer Control (SVB11)
Electrolux 11Kg White Premium Care Wall and Floor Clothes Dryer with Timer Control (SVB11)
Electrolux 11Kg White Premium Care Wall and Floor Clothes Dryer with Timer Control (SVB11)
Electrolux 11Kg White Premium Care Wall and Floor Clothes Dryer with Timer Control (SVB11)
Electrolux 11Kg White Premium Care Wall and Floor Clothes Dryer with Timer Control (SVB11)
Electrolux 11Kg White Premium Care Wall and Floor Clothes Dryer with Timer Control (SVB11)
Electrolux 11Kg White Premium Care Wall and Floor Clothes Dryer with Timer Control (SVB11)
Electrolux 11Kg White Premium Care Wall and Floor Clothes Dryer with Timer Control (SVB11)
    Electrolux Brasil

    Electrolux 11Kg White Premium Care Wall and Floor Clothes Dryer with Timer Control (SVB11)


    エレクトロラックス 11kg ホワイト プレミアム ケア壁掛け・床置き乾燥機は、洗濯を完了し、日々の生活を最適化するのに理想的な製品です。



    特に雨の日には、日常生活に機敏さをもたらします。衣類の乾燥速度が最大 12 倍速くなるだけでなく、ダブルまたはシングルの掛け布団も最大 4.5 倍速く乾きます。

    エレクトロラックスの乾燥機は、糸くずフィルターにより、布地のしわを最大 3 倍減らし、乾燥後に衣類に残る糸くずを最大 86%⁵ まで抑えます。また、ペットの毛の除去にも役立ちます。

    さらに、乾燥機を使用すると、生地が日光にさらされるのを防ぐため、生地の色を最大 2 倍長持ちさせることができます。こうすることで、お気に入りの衣類をケアして、鮮やかな色をより長く保つことができます。

    この製品には、5 つの乾燥プログラムと 5 つの温度オプション、時間乾燥機能、しわ防止機能など、12 種類のオプションから選択できます。

    乾燥機と洗濯機を組み合わせたエレクトロラックスの完全なランドリー ソリューションを体験して、衣類を最大 12 倍速く洗濯し、しわを最大 76% 減らして着用できるようにしましょう。

    • Digital panel with Time Control:

      Modern design that allows you to select the desired programs with a single touch. View the duration of each cycle and how much time is left to complete it via Time Control.

      Flexible installation:

      It adapts to the space in your home, as it can be installed on the floor, niche or worktop and even on the wall, allowing you to take your clothes from the washing machine to the dryer more ergonomically.

      Get faster drying:

      Don't worry about rainy days; the Electrolux dryer dries fabrics up to 12 times faster than clothesline drying, allowing you to have your clothes available in less time. It also dries double or single comforters up to 4.5 times faster.

      Your clothes can go from the dryer to the closet:

      Reduces wrinkling of clothes by up to 3x after drying, making your everyday life easier.

      Dry by time:

      Select the desired time for your drying cycle. There are 6 options to choose from that best suit your needs: 15min / 30min / 45min / 60 min / 90min / 120 min

      Vibrant colors for longer:

      Preserves fabric colors up to 2 times longer, taking care of your favorite clothes so they look as good as new.

      Triple lint filter:

      The internal filter retains up to 86% of lint. For extra care, the dryer has an external filter on the air intake that prevents dust and other impurities brought in by the recirculation of the air from embedding in the fabric during drying.

      12 options for you to choose from:

      It has 5 drying programs, 5 temperature options as well as “time dry” and “anti-wrinkle” functions.

      Quick Program:

      Dries fabrics in up to 30 minutes for greater convenience in your daily life.

      Odor Remover:

      Surrounds fabrics with a jet of air and removes unwanted odors. Ideal for revitalizing clothes without washing.

      Don't worry about energy consumption:

      The dryer uses, for example, up to 72% less energy than an electric shower, even when used 5 times a week.

    • Unique refSVB11
    • コレクションセットAppliances
    • コレクションDryers
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2025-03-04
    • エディション1
    • 高さ(Mm)680
    • 幅(mm)600
    • 奥行き(mm)565
    • 正味重量(kg)25
    • BIMobjectカテゴリキッチン - キッチン装置
    • IFC分類電気アプライアンス
    • ETIM コードEC001204
    • ETIM 名Washer-dryer
    • OmniClassNumber23-21 23 51 11
    • OmniClassタイトルResidential Electric Laundry Dryers