VIRUTECT / High Pressure Laminates
Virutect has good anti-bacteria and anti-vital performance. We recommend to use Virutect for furniture, wall panel etc.
■ Available for both vertical and horizontal use.
■ Recommend to use Virutect for the place of medical, nursing, child care,education facilities and restaurant.
CERARL VIRUTECT TYPE / Noncombustible decorative wall panel
Cerarl is well-know as noncombustible decorative panel and AICA added “Anti-virus” performance on Cerarl.
■ High heat resistance and moisture resistance.
■ Impact resistance.
■ Recommend to use CERARL Virutect type for the medical, nursing, child care, education facilities, restaurant and toilet areas.
Postform counter Virutect type is adopted by a lot of medical facility and public facilities.
■ SIAA Certificate for counter to material.
■ High chemical resistance.