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Aluminum partition -  opaque door unit

Aluminum partition - opaque door unit

The generic demountable partition described is a vertical separation between two spaces, composed of a vertical and horizontal frame, comprising fills and doors, transparent or opaque with the following characteristics: - non-carrier, that is to say, not participating in the stability of the building; - prevailing over the entire height between floor and ceiling; - whose elements arrive on the site in a state of completion corresponding to their final appearance; - The installation, disassembly and subsequent reuse are carried out without degradation of the environment of the partition, so the building elements on which the partition is adapted. These so-called "removable" partition systems make it possible to remodel the spaces by removing / installing the elements or modules, in accordance with all the requirements of the NF DTU 35.1 within the limits of its field of application.
Voce di capitolato
  • The dismountable partition system installed must have a set of minimum criteria and performance for comfort, durability and safety for use. These performances are preserved after disassembly and reassembly operations during a redevelopment of the premises. The dismountable partition systems are chosen from those meeting the requirements of NF DTU 35.1 P1-2 (CGM). The functions of the Opaque Door Lock system are as follows: - Ensure visual isolation - Ensure sound insulation - Guarantee mechanical stability (thrust, shock, load and endurance) - Guarantee the re-use of the modules (disassembly and filling) - Allow a wide choice of finishes (wood, lacquered steel ...) - Allow a choice of dimensions (width and height) to meet the regulatory requirements of passage
Specifiche tecniche
  • Rif. Unicocloison-opaque-porte
  • Famiglia di prodottoPartition walls
  • Gruppo di famigliaSolid door
  • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
  • Data di pubblicazione2019-07-10
  • Numero di versione1
Relativo a
  • Materiale principaleAlluminio
  • Progettato inFrancia
  • Prodotto inFrancia
  • Categoria BIMobjectPareti - Partizioni
  • Clasificazione IFCMuro
  • Nome UNSPSCPanels or paneling
  • Codice UNSPSC30161505
  • Codice Uniclass 2015Ss_25_12_65
  • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Panel partition systems
  • Codice CSI MasterFormat 201410 22 19
  • Titolo CSI MasterFormat 2014Demountable Partitions
  • Numero OmniClass23-15 11 13
  • Titolo OmniClassDemountable Partitions
  • Codice CSI UniFormat IIC1010
  • Titolo CSI UniFormat IIPartitions

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