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ROUZES  Removable Partition SUNSET - Range VENTURI
ROUZES  Removable Partition SUNSET - Range VENTURI
ROUZES  Removable Partition SUNSET - Range VENTURI
ROUZES  Removable Partition SUNSET - Range VENTURI

    ROUZES Removable Partition SUNSET - Range VENTURI

    "The Sunset partition is a 80 mm thick glass partition on a lacquered aluminum frame. Sunset is composed of two independent facings. The base finishes can vary from melamine panel, laminate, lacquered steel, Ecrimur or coated plaster, it allows the integration of single or double glazing 6 to 12 mm thick, clear glazed, lacquered, integrated film or blind. The finish of the partition is ensured by flat lacquered joint cover, hollow or omega joint that will allow you to customize your projects. The aluminum frame allows the integration of aluminum door, laminate, "Clarit" or bi-flush
    Voce di capitolato
    • Aluminum: RAL optional
      Vitrage Float 
      Panel: Choice Plaster or Melamine

      Options: Velleda Panel, Tole Panel
      Possible installation Partition Railing

      Acoustic Performance: 36 dB to 40 dB

    Specifiche tecniche
    • Rif. UnicoSUNSET
    • Famiglia di prodottoSUNSET
    • Gruppo di famigliaSUNSET
    • TipoShowcase (modello esempio)
    • Data di pubblicazione1918-07-19
    • Numero di versione1
    Relativo a
    • Materiale principaleAlluminio
    • Materiale secondarioVetro
    • Progettato inFrancia
    • Prodotto inFrancia
    • Categoria BIMobjectPareti - Partizioni
    • Clasificazione IFCMuro
    • Nome UNSPSCPanels or paneling
    • Codice UNSPSC30161505
    • Codice Uniclass 2015Ss_25_12_65
    • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Panel partition systems
    • Numero OmniClass23-13 33 27 11
    • Titolo OmniClassCurtain Walls

    Disponibilità Regionale
