Experience the elegance of Peerless-AV’s new indoor Kiosk, designed to support the latest digital signage displays in either landscape or portrait orientation. With a flat base that can be free standing or bolted to the ground, the kiosk allows for quick access to electric and data cables, making it easy to install and maintain. For theft protection, the kiosk features hex pin screw locks on the rear door. From entertaining to wayfinding, this new kiosk is an ideal solution for any indoor application setting, including hospitality, retail, corporate, and more.
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa | Nord America |
Albania | Anguilla |
Andorra | Antigua e Barbuda |
Austria | Aruba |
Belgio | Bahamas |
Bielorussia | Barbados |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Belize |
Bulgaria | Bermuda |
Cipro | Canada |
Città del Vaticano | Costa Rica |
Croazia | Cuba |
Danimarca | Curaçao |
Estonia | Dominica |
Finlandia | El Salvador |
Francia | Giamaica |
Germania | Grenada |
Gibilterra | Groenlandia |
Grecia | Guadalupa |
Guernsey | Guatemala |
Irlanda | Haiti |
Islanda | Honduras |
Isola di Man | Isole BES |
Isole Åland | Isole Cayman |
Isole Faroe | Isole Turks e Caicos |
Italia | Isole Vergini Americane |
Jersey | Isole Vergini britanniche |
Lettonia | Martinica |
Liechtenstein | Messico |
Lituania | Montserrat |
Lussemburgo | Nicaragua |
Macedonia del Nord | Panamá |
Malta | Porto Rico |
Moldavia | Repubblica Dominicana |
Monaco | Saint Kitts e Nevis |
Montenegro | Saint Martin |
Norvegia | Saint Vincent e Grenadine |
Paesi Bassi | Saint-Barthélemy |
Polonia | Saint-Pierre e Miquelon |
Portogallo | Santa Lucia |
Regno Unito | Sint Maarten |
Repubblica Ceca | Stati Uniti |
Romania | Trinidad e Tobago |
Russia | |
San Marino | |
Serbia | |
Slovacchia | |
Slovenia | |
Spagna | |
Svalbard e Jan Mayen | |
Svezia | |
Svizzera | |
Ucraina | |
Ungheria |