Sonic linearity at any output level defines the LEO‑M™ advanced linear array loudspeaker. Conceived for long-throw applications, with exceptional headroom, extremely low distortion, and optimized rigging options, LEO‑M forms the nucleus of Meyer Sound’s next‑generation LEO® array systems. Pair LEO arrays with Meyer Sound’s 1100‑LFC low-frequency control element for bass reproduction, and the LYON™ linear line array loudspeaker for downfill. Drive entire systems with Meyer Sound’s Galileo® GALAXY Network Platform, which provides 24 bit, 96 kHz audio, matrix routing, alignment, and processing for array components.
Two Versions for Maximum Flexibility
LYON is available in two versions designed to provide maximum flexibility in system design. The LYON-M main loudspeaker serves as the anchor for installations in arenas and large auditoriums, as well as tours and festivals.
LYON-W provides wider horizontal coverage at the bottom of LYON arrays and it can also be used for the top of an out-fill array for upper side arena seating. LYON loudspeakers work seamlessly with LEO-M systems, handling the wider coverage needs at the bottom of LEO-M arrays, and serving as outfill or delay arrays when needed.
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa | Asia | Nord America | Africa | Sud America | Oceania |
Albania | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Algeria | Argentina | Australia |
Andorra | Arabia Saudita | Antigua e Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Figi |
Austria | Armenia | Aruba | Benin | Brasile | Guam |
Belgio | Azerbaijan | Bahamas | Botswana | Cile | Isola Norfolk |
Bielorussia | Bahrein | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Isole Cook |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Bangladesh | Belize | Burundi | Ecuador | Isole Marianne Settentrionali |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Bermuda | Camerun | Guiana Francese | Isole Marshall |
Cipro | Brunei | Canada | Capo Verde | Guyana | Isole Minori Esterne degli Stati Uniti |
Città del Vaticano | Cambogia | Costa Rica | Ciad | Isole Falkland (Malvine) | Isole Pitcairn |
Croazia | Cina | Cuba | Comore | Paraguay | Isole Salomone |
Danimarca | Corea del Nord | Curaçao | Congo | Perù | Kiribati |
Estonia | Corea del Sud | Dominica | Costa d'Avorio | Suriname | Nauru |
Finlandia | Emirati Arabi Uniti | El Salvador | Egitto | Uruguay | Niue |
Francia | Filippine | Giamaica | Eritrea | Venezuela | Nuova Caledonia |
Germania | Georgia | Grenada | eSwatini | Nuova Zelanda | |
Gibilterra | Giappone | Groenlandia | Etiopia | Palau | |
Grecia | Giordania | Guadalupa | Gabon | Papua Nuova Guinea | |
Guernsey | Hong Kong | Guatemala | Gambia | Polinesia Francese | |
Irlanda | India | Haiti | Ghana | Samoa | |
Islanda | Indonesia | Honduras | Gibuti | Samoa Americane | |
Isola di Man | Isola di Natale | Isole BES | Guinea | Stati Federati di Micronesia | |
Isole Åland | Isole Cocos (Keeling) | Isole Cayman | Guinea Equatoriale | Timor Est | |
Isole Faroe | Israele | Isole Turks e Caicos | Guinea-Bissau | Tokelau | |
Italia | Kazakistan | Isole Vergini Americane | Kenya | Tonga | |
Jersey | Kirghizistan | Isole Vergini britanniche | Lesotho | Tuvalu | |
Lettonia | Kuwait | Martinica | Liberia | Vanuatu | |
Liechtenstein | Laos | Messico | Libia | Wallis e Futuna | |
Lituania | Libano | Montserrat | Madagascar | ||
Lussemburgo | Macau | Nicaragua | Malawi | ||
Macedonia del Nord | Maldive | Panamá | Mali | ||
Malta | Malesia | Porto Rico | Marocco | ||
Moldavia | Mongolia | Repubblica Dominicana | Mauritania | ||
Monaco | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Kitts e Nevis | Mauritius | ||
Montenegro | Nepal | Saint Martin | Mayotte | ||
Norvegia | Oman | Saint Vincent e Grenadine | Mozambico | ||
Paesi Bassi | Pakistan | Saint-Barthélemy | Namibia | ||
Polonia | Palestina | Saint-Pierre e Miquelon | Niger | ||
Portogallo | Qatar | Santa Lucia | Nigeria | ||
Regno Unito | Singapore | Sint Maarten | Repubblica Centrafricana | ||
Repubblica Ceca | Siria | Stati Uniti | Repubblica Democratica del Congo | ||
Romania | Sri Lanka | Trinidad e Tobago | Riunione | ||
Russia | Tagikistan | Ruanda | |||
San Marino | Tailandia | Sahara Occidentale | |||
Serbia | Taiwan | Sant'Elena | |||
Slovacchia | Territori Britannici dell'Oceano Indiano | São Tomé e Príncipe | |||
Slovenia | Turchia | Senegal | |||
Spagna | Turkmenistan | Seychelles | |||
Svalbard e Jan Mayen | Uzbekistan | Sierra Leone | |||
Svezia | Vietnam | Somalia | |||
Svizzera | Yemen | Sudafrica | |||
Ucraina | Sudan | ||||
Ungheria | Sudan del Sud | ||||
Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |