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    Hydromedia®  Concrete delivers sustainable solutions that combine the properties of concrete and advanced drainage technology. Highly permeable, it rapidly absorbs stormwater off streets, parking surfaces, driveways, and walkways, thus reducing the risk of flooding.More than a product, Hydromedia is a rainwater management system that enables the ultra-rapid evacuation of water directly into the soil. This produces a natural aquifer recharge or allows the water to be recycled. Hydromedia can also be colored to achieve all sorts of design possibilities.

    Voce di capitolato
    • Product features:

      * water-permeable, versatile sub-base for various types of utility pavements;

      * allows very rapid drainage of rainwater into the ground or into sewerage systems;

      * permeability of the concrete controlled by the choice of aggregate (minimum of 10 mm/s);

      * stable substructure over time with slight deviations from the horizontal;

      * good adhesion of surface layers;

      * reduced consumption of bonding materials.

    Specifiche tecniche
    • Rif. Unicohydromedia
    • Famiglia di prodottoHydromedia
    • Gruppo di famigliaConcrete
    • TipoMateriale di costruzione
    • Data di pubblicazione2023-07-24
    • Numero di versione1
    Relativo a
    • Materiale principaleCalcestruzzo
    • Materiale secondarioCalcestruzzo
    • Categoria BIMobjectMateriali da costruzione - Cemento
    • Clasificazione IFCMateriale
    • Nome UNSPSCConcrete and mortars
    • Codice UNSPSC301115
    • Codice Uniclass 2015Pr_25_93_60_19
    • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Concrete pavers
    • Codice CSI MasterFormat 201403 00 00
    • Titolo CSI MasterFormat 2014Concrete
    • Numero OmniClass23-13 31 13
    • Titolo OmniClassReady Mixed Concrete
    • Codice CSI UniFormat IID2040
    • Titolo CSI UniFormat IIRain Water Drainage