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The STUDOR® P.A.P.A.™ is the perfect compliment to the existing range of Studor Air Admittance Valves (AAVs). Together they form the STUDOR SYSTEM; a Total Solution to a buildings venting requirements.
TEC-VENTS will protect the water seal of the system's branch fixtures while the P.A.P.A / Maxi-Vent combo effectively deals with positive and negative pressure in the stack. This combination maintains perfect system's balance, quickly and efficiently restoring even atmospheric pressure conditions throughout the system thus avoiding siphonage of any trap.
The Advantages:
The STUDOR P.A.P.A. as part of the complete STUDOR System

Provides complete protection against positive and negative pressures in the system
Replaces extensive vent piping saving material and installation costs
Provides greater freedom of design for engineers, architects and design professionals
Eliminates leak prone roof penetrations. No roof penetrations are required no matter how tall the building.
Reduces the need for fire stopping devices preventing the chimney effect in the pipes, reducing the risk of fire spreading upwards between floors.
Can be retrofitted into an existing drainage system to solve positive pressure problems
Prevents propagation of oderous sewer gases
Requires no maintenance, as all STUDOR products are non-mechanical devices
Is guaranteed for a lifetime equivalent to that of the drainage system in which it is installed
Easy to install, does not require high skilled labor or special training
Specifiche tecniche
  • Rif. Unicoaa-papa
  • Famiglia di prodottoGeneral Pipework and Ductwork Products
  • Gruppo di famigliaStudor®
  • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
  • Data di pubblicazione2016-03-14
  • Numero di versione1
  • Categoria BIMobjectImpianto idraulico - Tubature
  • Codice Uniclass 2015Ss_40_15_75_75
  • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Sanitary accessory systems
  • Codice CSI MasterFormat 201422 13 16
  • Titolo CSI MasterFormat 2014Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping
  • Numero OmniClass23-31 00 00
  • Titolo OmniClassPlumbing Specific Products and Equipment
  • Codice CSI UniFormat IID2090
  • Titolo CSI UniFormat IIOther Plumbing Systems

Disponibilità Regionale

Oceania Nord America
Nuova Zelanda
Porto Rico
Stati Uniti