With its high screens walls, the Private Lounge addresses privacy for commercial interiors, providing a space to focus on concentrative work and host informal meetings – without the need for partitioning or room division.
With an increased seat height to work alongside a typical meeting chair, the space dimensions were increased to allow for flexibility for how the occupant wants to sit.
Jesper Jensen, company owner suggests, “It’s a story of comfort and quiet situated within the hustle and bustle of a busy office. The Private High Back provides the perfect escape and really invites users to make the most of it.”
The Private sofa series was one of the first solutions created under the Icons of Denmark brand, “The sofa was born out of London’s commercial interior design community. Their feedback on the original prototype shaped the function and form.”
With optional power integration, the Private provides a multifunctional space for the spectrum of solo workplace activities. As a box set, the Private becomes an enclosed space for collaborative tasks and one-on-one meetings.
The Private is constructed as a sofa system with opportunity for creating multiple sizes and variations.
Available as a 1, 2, 2.5 seater, and as a box set.
Secluded workspace
Spacious design
Exemplary comfort
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