The new Fuseal Fast-Lock Joining System is a revolutionary new mechanical joint (MJ) solution for our Fuseal corrosive waste system. It is fast and easy to install. Unlike cemented systems, it does not require special cement or applicators nor are there any toxic fumes. Most importantly there are no cure times to wait for. Fast-Lock is the most compact mechanical joint on the market. It allows for installation of the system in tight spaces such as between walls where other systems will not fit.
The Fuseal Fast-Lock jointing is a great addition to the Fuseal corrosive waste product family. The system is resistant to the corrosive action of alkalis, alcohols, acids, solvents and salt solutions. Fuseal PP will not rust, pit, scale, corrode or be affected by electrolysis. Fuseal has a proven history and is ideal for many applications including chemical processing, ship building, food & beverage, pharmaceutical, hospitals, universities, and other laboratories to name a few.
GF Piping Systems is the leading flow solutions provider worldwide, enabling the safe and sustainable transport of fluids. The company specializes in plastic piping systems and system solutions plus services in all project phases. It is a division of Georg Fischer AG, and is headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Disponibilità Regionale
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Svizzera | Uzbekistan | Sudafrica | |||
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Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |