Cisco Webex® Room Panorama is a new first-class collaboration system built for the modern C-suite. The Room Panorama provides immersive video experience, rich content sharing, and co-creation experience within the Cisco® Webex Room Series portfolio. These fully integrated systems combine beautiful design and powerful functionality into an all-in-one solution for medium-to-large rooms. The Room Panorama features a powerful engine to build more complex and specialized video scenarios. Room Panorama will transform your meeting spaces into a video collaboration hub—whether for connecting teams across the world or for local meetings.
Cisco Webex Room Panorama delivers the industry-leading video and audio experience customers have come to expect from Cisco. In addition, new capabilities enable even smarter meetings, smarter presentation capabilities, and smarter room and device integrations, further removing the barriers to usage and deployment of video in large-sized rooms. The Room Panorama is built on the powerful Cisco Webex Room Kit Pro technology platform. This means there are more inputs and outputs to cover more meeting scenarios and larger rooms. The Room Panorama now offers more power and flexibility to build custom and more specialized video conference rooms than ever before.
The Room Panorama—comprising a powerful codec, a Cisco Quad Camera, dual 82-inch 8K video displays, and a 65-inch 4K presentation display—is ideal for rooms that seat up to 14 people. It offers sophisticated camera technologies that bring panorama video, speaker-tracking, and auto-framing capabilities to medium- to large-sized rooms. The product is rich in functionality and experience and designed to be easily scalable to all your large conference rooms and spaces, whether registered on the premises or to Cisco Webex through the Cisco Collaboration Cloud.
The Room Panorama will be shipped as a complete technology package from Cisco (Figure 1). This includes everything you need to make it operational, including:
● Two Samsung 82-inch 8K QLED displays for video and one Samsung 65-inch 4K display for presentations
● Codec and four 5K cameras at 60 frames per second (fps)
● Webex Room Navigator controller
● 12-loudspeaker system with directional audio capabilities
● 4 bass modules
● Cooling system
● Audio amplifier
● Complete power system
● 3 table microphones
● Presentation cables
● Wall structure. The customer can design their own wall finish to match the existing room, or they can buy the Cisco wall finish in light oak as an option
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa | Asia | Nord America | Africa | Sud America | Oceania |
Albania | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Algeria | Argentina | Australia |
Andorra | Arabia Saudita | Antigua e Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Figi |
Austria | Armenia | Aruba | Benin | Brasile | Guam |
Belgio | Azerbaijan | Bahamas | Botswana | Cile | Isola Norfolk |
Bielorussia | Bahrein | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Isole Cook |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Bangladesh | Belize | Burundi | Ecuador | Isole Marianne Settentrionali |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Bermuda | Camerun | Guiana Francese | Isole Marshall |
Cipro | Brunei | Canada | Capo Verde | Guyana | Isole Minori Esterne degli Stati Uniti |
Città del Vaticano | Cambogia | Costa Rica | Ciad | Isole Falkland (Malvine) | Isole Pitcairn |
Croazia | Cina | Cuba | Comore | Paraguay | Isole Salomone |
Danimarca | Corea del Nord | Curaçao | Congo | Perù | Kiribati |
Estonia | Corea del Sud | Dominica | Costa d'Avorio | Suriname | Nauru |
Finlandia | Emirati Arabi Uniti | El Salvador | Egitto | Uruguay | Niue |
Francia | Filippine | Giamaica | Eritrea | Venezuela | Nuova Caledonia |
Germania | Georgia | Grenada | eSwatini | Nuova Zelanda | |
Gibilterra | Giappone | Groenlandia | Etiopia | Palau | |
Grecia | Giordania | Guadalupa | Gabon | Papua Nuova Guinea | |
Guernsey | Hong Kong | Guatemala | Gambia | Polinesia Francese | |
Irlanda | India | Haiti | Ghana | Samoa | |
Islanda | Indonesia | Honduras | Gibuti | Samoa Americane | |
Isola di Man | Iran | Isole BES | Guinea | Stati Federati di Micronesia | |
Isole Åland | Iraq | Isole Cayman | Guinea Equatoriale | Timor Est | |
Isole Faroe | Isola di Natale | Isole Turks e Caicos | Guinea-Bissau | Tokelau | |
Italia | Isole Cocos (Keeling) | Isole Vergini Americane | Kenya | Tonga | |
Jersey | Israele | Isole Vergini britanniche | Lesotho | Tuvalu | |
Lettonia | Kazakistan | Martinica | Liberia | Vanuatu | |
Liechtenstein | Kirghizistan | Messico | Libia | Wallis e Futuna | |
Lituania | Kuwait | Montserrat | Madagascar | ||
Lussemburgo | Laos | Nicaragua | Malawi | ||
Macedonia del Nord | Libano | Panamá | Mali | ||
Malta | Macau | Porto Rico | Marocco | ||
Moldavia | Maldive | Repubblica Dominicana | Mauritania | ||
Monaco | Malesia | Saint Kitts e Nevis | Mauritius | ||
Montenegro | Mongolia | Saint Martin | Mayotte | ||
Norvegia | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Vincent e Grenadine | Mozambico | ||
Paesi Bassi | Nepal | Saint-Barthélemy | Namibia | ||
Polonia | Oman | Saint-Pierre e Miquelon | Niger | ||
Portogallo | Pakistan | Santa Lucia | Nigeria | ||
Regno Unito | Palestina | Sint Maarten | Repubblica Centrafricana | ||
Repubblica Ceca | Qatar | Stati Uniti | Repubblica Democratica del Congo | ||
Romania | Singapore | Trinidad e Tobago | Riunione | ||
Russia | Siria | Ruanda | |||
San Marino | Sri Lanka | Sahara Occidentale | |||
Serbia | Tagikistan | Sant'Elena | |||
Slovacchia | Tailandia | São Tomé e Príncipe | |||
Slovenia | Taiwan | Senegal | |||
Spagna | Territori Britannici dell'Oceano Indiano | Seychelles | |||
Svalbard e Jan Mayen | Turchia | Sierra Leone | |||
Svezia | Turkmenistan | Somalia | |||
Svizzera | Uzbekistan | Sudafrica | |||
Ucraina | Vietnam | Sudan | |||
Ungheria | Yemen | Sudan del Sud | |||
Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |