The Cisco Catalyst 9166 Series Access Points (AP) allows you to choose between on-premises and cloud management. They are the next-generation APs perfect for mission-critical deployments and support the new 6-GHz band for Wi-Fi. It is resilient, secure, and intelligent.
With the flexibility to choose between cloud- and on-premises management, the Catalyst 9166 Series Access Point ensures network investment protection and unlocks the power of hybrid work. The Wi-Fi 6E-compliant access point takes advantage of the 6-GHz band expansion to produce a network that is more reliable and secure, with higher throughput, more capacity, and less device interference. The access points come with three 4x4 radios and provide a host of cutting-edge features.
With the industry’s leading on-premises network platform (Catalyst) joining the industry’s leading cloud IT platform (Meraki), this access point provides an unparalleled network experience. For organizations that need solutions to power hybrid work, and that allow their people to work anywhere at any given time with elevated, secure, and connected experiences, the Cisco Catalyst 9166 Series Access Points are the best choice.
Operational management is not static, as customers are able to change their network management whenever they want. If a network with Cisco Catalyst 9166 Series Access Points was originally an on-premises deployment, it can be changed to cloud-based management without the need to purchase and redistribute additional hardware.
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa | Asia | Nord America | Africa | Sud America | Oceania |
Albania | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Algeria | Argentina | Australia |
Andorra | Arabia Saudita | Antigua e Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Figi |
Austria | Armenia | Aruba | Benin | Brasile | Guam |
Belgio | Azerbaijan | Bahamas | Botswana | Cile | Isola Norfolk |
Bielorussia | Bahrein | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Isole Cook |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Bangladesh | Belize | Burundi | Ecuador | Isole Marianne Settentrionali |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Bermuda | Camerun | Guiana Francese | Isole Marshall |
Cipro | Brunei | Canada | Capo Verde | Guyana | Isole Minori Esterne degli Stati Uniti |
Città del Vaticano | Cambogia | Costa Rica | Ciad | Isole Falkland (Malvine) | Isole Pitcairn |
Croazia | Cina | Cuba | Comore | Paraguay | Isole Salomone |
Danimarca | Corea del Nord | Curaçao | Congo | Perù | Kiribati |
Estonia | Corea del Sud | Dominica | Costa d'Avorio | Suriname | Nauru |
Finlandia | Emirati Arabi Uniti | El Salvador | Egitto | Uruguay | Niue |
Francia | Filippine | Giamaica | Eritrea | Venezuela | Nuova Caledonia |
Germania | Georgia | Grenada | eSwatini | Nuova Zelanda | |
Gibilterra | Giappone | Groenlandia | Etiopia | Palau | |
Grecia | Giordania | Guadalupa | Gabon | Papua Nuova Guinea | |
Guernsey | Hong Kong | Guatemala | Gambia | Polinesia Francese | |
Irlanda | India | Haiti | Ghana | Samoa | |
Islanda | Indonesia | Honduras | Gibuti | Samoa Americane | |
Isola di Man | Iran | Isole BES | Guinea | Stati Federati di Micronesia | |
Isole Åland | Iraq | Isole Cayman | Guinea Equatoriale | Timor Est | |
Isole Faroe | Isola di Natale | Isole Turks e Caicos | Guinea-Bissau | Tokelau | |
Italia | Isole Cocos (Keeling) | Isole Vergini Americane | Kenya | Tonga | |
Jersey | Israele | Isole Vergini britanniche | Lesotho | Tuvalu | |
Lettonia | Kazakistan | Martinica | Liberia | Vanuatu | |
Liechtenstein | Kirghizistan | Messico | Libia | Wallis e Futuna | |
Lituania | Kuwait | Montserrat | Madagascar | ||
Lussemburgo | Laos | Nicaragua | Malawi | ||
Macedonia del Nord | Libano | Panamá | Mali | ||
Malta | Macau | Porto Rico | Marocco | ||
Moldavia | Maldive | Repubblica Dominicana | Mauritania | ||
Monaco | Malesia | Saint Kitts e Nevis | Mauritius | ||
Montenegro | Mongolia | Saint Martin | Mayotte | ||
Norvegia | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Vincent e Grenadine | Mozambico | ||
Paesi Bassi | Nepal | Saint-Barthélemy | Namibia | ||
Polonia | Oman | Saint-Pierre e Miquelon | Niger | ||
Portogallo | Pakistan | Santa Lucia | Nigeria | ||
Regno Unito | Palestina | Sint Maarten | Repubblica Centrafricana | ||
Repubblica Ceca | Qatar | Stati Uniti | Repubblica Democratica del Congo | ||
Romania | Singapore | Trinidad e Tobago | Riunione | ||
Russia | Siria | Ruanda | |||
San Marino | Sri Lanka | Sahara Occidentale | |||
Serbia | Tagikistan | Sant'Elena | |||
Slovacchia | Tailandia | São Tomé e Príncipe | |||
Slovenia | Taiwan | Senegal | |||
Spagna | Territori Britannici dell'Oceano Indiano | Seychelles | |||
Svalbard e Jan Mayen | Turchia | Sierra Leone | |||
Svezia | Turkmenistan | Somalia | |||
Svizzera | Uzbekistan | Sudafrica | |||
Ucraina | Vietnam | Sudan | |||
Ungheria | Yemen | Sudan del Sud | |||
Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |