Caterpillar is the world's largest manufacturer of generator sets, offering the largest range of specifications available. Ranging from 50 to 4,050 ekW (50 to 4,500 kVA) in a single unit, our gas generator sets are easy to select, permit and install. Our industrial and commercial gas generator sets are proven for reliable operation with a wide range of gaseous fuels including natural gas, biogas from landfills and digesters, coal gas, propane and alternative fuels. We build durable, low life-cycle cost power systems that we integrate with controls, exhaust systems, fuel train, combined cooling heat & power skids and switchgear.
For continuous, prime or standby power service, Cat commercial and industrial gas generator sets deliver reliable, clean, economical power – even in the most demanding conditions. Each Cat gas generator set is designed, engineered and manufactured for optimal performance. All major components are tested individually; and once the generator set is assembled, the complete unit is tested at and above 100% of rated load for operation and safety.
A Cat brand generator set offers a huge advantage over all other brands: They all come with the expert service and comprehensive support of your nearby Cat® dealer. It begins with prompt delivery and continues through the life of the gas genset.
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa | Asia | Africa | Sud America | Oceania | Nord America |
Albania | Afghanistan | Algeria | Argentina | Australia | Barbados |
Andorra | Armenia | Angola | Cile | Figi | Curaçao |
Austria | Azerbaijan | Benin | Guiana Francese | Isole Cook | Dominica |
Belgio | Bangladesh | Botswana | Isole Falkland (Malvine) | Isole Salomone | Giamaica |
Bielorussia | Bhutan | Burkina Faso | Paraguay | Kiribati | Grenada |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Brunei | Burundi | Uruguay | Nauru | Groenlandia |
Bulgaria | Cambogia | Camerun | Nuova Caledonia | Guadalupa | |
Cipro | Cina | Capo Verde | Nuova Zelanda | Isole BES | |
Croazia | Emirati Arabi Uniti | Ciad | Papua Nuova Guinea | Martinica | |
Danimarca | Georgia | Comore | Samoa | Saint Vincent e Grenadine | |
Estonia | Giappone | Congo | Timor Est | Saint-Pierre e Miquelon | |
Finlandia | Giordania | Costa d'Avorio | Tonga | Santa Lucia | |
Francia | Hong Kong | Egitto | Tuvalu | ||
Germania | India | Eritrea | Vanuatu | ||
Gibilterra | Indonesia | eSwatini | |||
Grecia | Iraq | Etiopia | |||
Guernsey | Israele | Gabon | |||
Irlanda | Kazakistan | Gambia | |||
Islanda | Kirghizistan | Ghana | |||
Isola di Man | Kuwait | Gibuti | |||
Isole Faroe | Laos | Guinea | |||
Italia | Libano | Guinea Equatoriale | |||
Jersey | Macau | Guinea-Bissau | |||
Lettonia | Maldive | Kenya | |||
Lituania | Malesia | Lesotho | |||
Lussemburgo | Mongolia | Libia | |||
Macedonia del Nord | Myanmar (Burma) | Madagascar | |||
Malta | Nepal | Mali | |||
Moldavia | Oman | Marocco | |||
Monaco | Pakistan | Mauritania | |||
Montenegro | Palestina | Mauritius | |||
Norvegia | Qatar | Mozambico | |||
Paesi Bassi | Singapore | Namibia | |||
Polonia | Siria | Niger | |||
Portogallo | Sri Lanka | Nigeria | |||
Regno Unito | Tagikistan | Repubblica Centrafricana | |||
Repubblica Ceca | Tailandia | Repubblica Democratica del Congo | |||
Romania | Turchia | Riunione | |||
Russia | Turkmenistan | Ruanda | |||
San Marino | Uzbekistan | Sahara Occidentale | |||
Serbia | Vietnam | Sant'Elena | |||
Slovacchia | Yemen | São Tomé e Príncipe | |||
Slovenia | Senegal | ||||
Spagna | Seychelles | ||||
Svalbard e Jan Mayen | Sierra Leone | ||||
Svezia | Somalia | ||||
Svizzera | Sudafrica | ||||
Ucraina | Sudan del Sud | ||||
Ungheria | Tanzania | ||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |