The Model 1200 RemoteTEST® TESTanDRAIN® is designed to provide a more efficient method for performing the NFPA required fire sprinkler system inspector's test on the multiple systems in larger multi-story buildings or in buidling complexes where testing typically consumes time and manpower.
By incorporating a solenoid into the TESTanDRAIN® valve, AGF has created a self-contained method to “remotely” fulfill the primary function of the inspector’s test. It is the only product that enables an individual to perform the inspector’s test function (as stipulated in both NFPA 13 and NFPA 25) on multiple systems from a central and remote position.
With the Model 1200 RemoteTEST® the inspector’s test can be performed on multiple systems by a single operator from a single location through a local switch, an auxiliary panel, an FAC panel, or a LAN system; ultimately saving time and money without sacrificing regular inspections. To learn more, read our brochure.
The Model 1200 is available with all specifiable orifice sizes in 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" (special order only) and 2". The Model 1200 is also available with an optional bypass drain loop.
Disponibilità Regionale
Asia | Europa | Africa | Sud America | Oceania | Nord America |
Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Argentina | Australia | Bahamas |
Arabia Saudita | Austria | Angola | Bolivia | Figi | Belize |
Armenia | Belgio | Benin | Brasile | Isole Salomone | Canada |
Azerbaijan | Bielorussia | Botswana | Cile | Nuova Caledonia | Costa Rica |
Bangladesh | Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Nuova Zelanda | Cuba |
Bhutan | Bulgaria | Burundi | Ecuador | Papua Nuova Guinea | El Salvador |
Cambogia | Cipro | Camerun | Guiana Francese | Timor Est | Giamaica |
Cina | Croazia | Ciad | Guyana | Vanuatu | Groenlandia |
Corea del Nord | Danimarca | Congo | Isole Falkland (Malvine) | Guatemala | |
Corea del Sud | Estonia | Costa d'Avorio | Paraguay | Haiti | |
Emirati Arabi Uniti | Finlandia | Egitto | Perù | Honduras | |
Filippine | Francia | Eritrea | Suriname | Messico | |
Georgia | Germania | eSwatini | Uruguay | Nicaragua | |
Giappone | Grecia | Etiopia | Venezuela | Panamá | |
Giordania | Irlanda | Gabon | Porto Rico | ||
India | Islanda | Gambia | Repubblica Dominicana | ||
Indonesia | Italia | Ghana | Stati Uniti | ||
Iran | Lettonia | Gibuti | |||
Iraq | Lituania | Guinea | |||
Israele | Lussemburgo | Guinea Equatoriale | |||
Kazakistan | Macedonia del Nord | Guinea-Bissau | |||
Kirghizistan | Moldavia | Kenya | |||
Kuwait | Montenegro | Lesotho | |||
Laos | Norvegia | Liberia | |||
Libano | Paesi Bassi | Libia | |||
Malesia | Polonia | Madagascar | |||
Mongolia | Portogallo | Malawi | |||
Myanmar (Burma) | Regno Unito | Mali | |||
Nepal | Repubblica Ceca | Marocco | |||
Oman | Romania | Mauritania | |||
Pakistan | Russia | Mozambico | |||
Palestina | Serbia | Namibia | |||
Qatar | Slovacchia | Niger | |||
Siria | Slovenia | Nigeria | |||
Sri Lanka | Spagna | Repubblica Centrafricana | |||
Tagikistan | Svalbard e Jan Mayen | Repubblica Democratica del Congo | |||
Tailandia | Svezia | Ruanda | |||
Taiwan | Svizzera | Sahara Occidentale | |||
Turchia | Ucraina | Senegal | |||
Turkmenistan | Ungheria | Sierra Leone | |||
Uzbekistan | Somalia | ||||
Vietnam | Sudafrica | ||||
Yemen | Sudan | ||||
Sudan del Sud | |||||
Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |