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ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel
ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel
ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel
ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel
ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel
ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel
ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel
ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel
ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel
ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel

    ZINC cladding - VMZINC Interlocking panel

    The VMZINC Interlocking panel system of VM Building Solutions, is designed for any facade to be cladded with a rainscreen system, for both new and refurbishment projects. 

    It involves installing interlocking panels on metal or wood framework fixed to the supporting structure (masonry or metal structure). 

    The metal facade panels are simply connected by the use of an interlocking groove giving the elegant appearance of a recessed joint.


    Panels can be perforated. 

    Voce di capitolato
    • Areas of application:

      • New construction or refurbishment.
      • Vertical cladding and flat ceiling.
      • All types of buildings, in particular offices, public buildings and collective housing.
      • Inside building (hall, entrance).


      • Cladding system using VMZINC profiles mechanically attached to a secondary wooden or metal frame, itself attached to the supporting structure.
      • Ventilated support (air gap of 2 cm minimum).


      • External and interior corners.
      • Top and bottom pieces.
      • Window lintels, etc


      The panels can be fixed vertically or horizontally. The choice of direction implies different aesthetics and technical solutions for the main flashings.

      Weather conditions: All regions wind

      Special conditions:

      • Possibility of installation on the underside, with a center distance of 200 mm or 250 mm, a maximum length of 3 m, and fixing centers of maximum 400 mm, 
      • In mountain climate (alt > 900 m) maximum length 4 m, 
      • For buildings of height > 30 m, consult us. 

      The choice by a professional of a VMZINC product adapted to the environment of a building must integrate the possible constraints of use according to the aspect of surface considered. Each aspect of zinc surface can evolve in time differently depending on the type of environment (seaside, high UV exposure, snow, etc.) and according to the applications (cover, facade, rain evacuation).

      The use of the chosen aspect may not be suitable for certain applications in the context of very aggressive environmental constraints. It is recommended, if necessary, to consult VM Building Solutions for further informations. 

    Specifiche tecniche
    • Rif. UnicoProfil_A_Emboitement_VMZINC
    • Famiglia di prodottoFaçade
    • Gruppo di famigliaVMZINC CLADDING
    • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
    • Data di pubblicazione2020-04-01
    • Numero di versione2
    Relativo a
    • Materiale principaleZinco
    • Materiale secondarioIsolamento
    • Progettato inFrancia
    • Prodotto inFrancia
    • Categoria BIMobjectPareti - Rivestimenti e facciate continue
    • Clasificazione IFCFacciata Continua
    • Nome UNSPSCSiding and exterior wall materials
    • Codice UNSPSC301518
    • Codice Uniclass 2015Ss_25_20_50_95
    • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Zinc sheet cladding systems
    • Codice CSI MasterFormat 201407 64 00
    • Titolo CSI MasterFormat 2014Sheet Metal Wall Cladding
    • Numero OmniClass23-13 37 13
    • Titolo OmniClassExterior Wall Cladding
    • Codice CSI UniFormat IIB2010
    • Titolo CSI UniFormat IIExterior Walls

    Disponibilità Regionale
