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HALO LINEAR 2342 Design by Martin Azua

HALO LINEAR 2342 Design by Martin Azua

HALO, designed by Martín Azúa, is composed of myriad sticks, dressed in an opalized PMMA diffuser and appearing to float in air. Empowering the user with creative freedom, it can be suspended at any height, horizontally or on an incline. HALO can be used with a 0-10V dimming system to regulate the powerful ambient light output depending on the mood. This luminaire provides sufficient illumination for large spaces, becoming a decorative component that is both simple and striking. Circular version available as an individual pendant or as a cluster of two or three. Canopy is a matte white lacquer.
Specifiche tecniche
  • Rif. Unicovibia-halo-2342
  • Famiglia di prodottoLuminaries for Internal Lighting
  • Gruppo di famigliaPendants
  • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
  • Data di pubblicazione2020-07-06
  • Numero di versione1
Relativo a
  • Materiale principaleAcciaio
  • Progettato inSpagna
  • Prodotto inSpagna
  • Categoria BIMobjectIlluminazione - Illuminazione - Da sospensione
  • Clasificazione IFCApparecchio a luce
  • Codice ETIMEC001743
  • Nome ETIMPendant luminaire
  • Nome UNSPSCInterior lighting fixtures and accessories
  • Codice UNSPSC391115
  • Codice Uniclass 2015Pr_70_70_48_62
  • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Pendant luminaires
  • Codice CSI MasterFormat 201426 51 00
  • Titolo CSI MasterFormat 2014Interior Lighting
  • Numero OmniClass23-35 47 11
  • Titolo OmniClassLighting Fixtures
  • Codice CSI UniFormat IID5020
  • Titolo CSI UniFormat IILighting & Branch Wiring

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Nord America
Porto Rico
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