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Kflex Extrem Lisse
Kflex Extrem Lisse
Kflex Extrem Lisse

    Kflex Extrem Lisse

    In exterior, in renovation for waterproofing of the vertical surfaces of buildings, naked or covered with old adherent paintings in good condition. On concrete and prefabricated derivatives, masonries of elements coated with traditional cement mortar or single-layer hydraulic coating, plaster-lime mortar (PLM), facing bricks, glass paste and sandstone-ceramic of dimensions lower than 7.5 x 7.5 cm, after adapted fixing. In renovation of waterproofing and ETICS (K3) after preliminary study. Do not apply in basements (25cm from the ground or in case of capillary rise)
    Voce di capitolato
    • Multifunction waterproofing coating with a smooth finish - water based system with an acrylic and a siloxane hybrid binder - with an encapsulated film protecting agent.

      • Multifunction product: used as a primer after dilution, as an intermediate, and as a finish on I1 to I4 systems.

      • Keeps its elasticity even at low temperatures.

      • Protects reinforced concrete against carbonation

      • Resistant to cracking up to 2500µm at 10°C in I4/A5

      Benefits from EXTREM technology:

      • Maximum beading effect

      • High resistance to soiling (atmospheric and biological pollution)

      • Contains an encapsulated film protecting agent

      • Long lasting colors

    Specifiche tecniche
    • Rif. UnicoKflex-Extrem-Lisse
    • Famiglia di prodottopeinture façade
    • Gruppo di famigliaRevetement d'imperméabilité
    • TipoMateriale di costruzione
    • Data di pubblicazione2023-05-15
    • Numero di versione1
    Relativo a
    • Materiale principaleAcrilico
    • Progettato inFrancia
    • Prodotto inFrancia
    • Categoria BIMobjectMateriali da costruzione - Pitture, smalti e finiture
    • Clasificazione IFCOggetto
    • Numero OmniClass23-15 21 11
    • Titolo OmniClassPaints and Varnishes

    Disponibilità Regionale
