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Soundstage Acoustics
Soundstage Acoustics
Soundstage Acoustics
Soundstage Acoustics

    Soundstage Acoustics

    The Troy "Soundstage" System can take a metal shell of a building and achieve an astonishing NC 18 rating, saving million (if not 10s of millions!) over a traditional concrete tilt-up. The Troy system takes into account all MEPs and can be delivered anywhere in the world and constructed using Troy designs.


    key words: sound, stage, digital, NC 18, NC 20, noise, MEPS, cap, barrier, elephant doors, 

    Voce di capitolato
    • Troy "Soundstage" System: Wood Wool Portland Cement Acoustic Boards and Mineral Wool Backing

      Troy Boards (TB) are produced from Portland Cement and wood fibers resulting as the superior acoustical performance material for loud noise environments. Troy Boards are low VOC and are sourced from sustainably managed forests. 

      Troy Wool (TW) is a 2.5 lbs. density mineral wool, produced from Basalt rocks. The Troy System materials TB and TW are natural and organic in composition.

      Physical Properties

      ¨ Zero (0) Flame Spread as per UL

      ¨ Zero (0) Smoke Developed as per UL

      ¨ NRC of .85 for Baffles/Safety Ceiling

      ¨ NRC of .89 for Range Walls

      ¨ Acoustical tests per Riverbank Laboratory

      ¨ NRC 1.0 for absorption ceiling

      ¨ Waterproof, can be used outdoors

      ¨ Does not support Fungi Growth

      ¨ Does not support Microbial growth

      ¨ Reverberation time (RT60) of 1.5 seconds

      Applicable Standards

      ¨ Acoustical per Riverbank Laboratory ASTM C423-09a, ASTM E795-05

      ¨ CAC per USG Testing

      ASTM E1414-16

      ¨ Microbiological Testing per Accugen Labs

      ASTM G21, ASTM E 2180

      ¨ Splatter & Ricochet Protection testing by USAF

      ¨ Fire Rating per Underwriters Laboratory ASTM E84 as per UL 723

      Applicable Standards

      ¨ Acoustical per Riverbank Laboratory ASTM C423-09a, ASTM E795-05

      ¨ CAC per USG Testing

      ASTM E1414-16

      ¨ Microbiological Testing per Accugen Labs

      ASTM G21, ASTM E 2180

      ¨ Splatter & Ricochet Protection testing by USAF

      ¨ Fire Rating per Underwriters Laboratory ASTM E84 as per UL 723

      Size Dimensions

      ¨ Troy Board dimensions 2” x 23⅝” x 94½”

      ¨ Troy Board dimensions 1” x 23⅝” x 94½”

      ¨ Troy Tile dimensions 1” x 23⅝” x 23⅝”

      ¨ Troy Wool dimensions 2” x 24’ x 48”

      ¨ Troy Wool dimensions 6” x 24” x 48”

      Load Weights

      ¨ 1” TB and 2” TW for baffles for 3.5 lbs./sq. ft.

      ¨ 1” TB and 2” TW for safety ceilings for 3.5 lbs./sq. ft.

      ¨ 2” TB and 2” TW for walls for 5 lbs./sq. ft.

      ¨ 1” TB and 6” TW for absorption ceilings for 3.5 lbs./sq. ft.


      ¨ Fire Rating per Underwriters Laboratory

      Report # R27255-20120503

      ¨ Acoustical Performance per Riverbank Laboratory Report # RAL– A11-205, A11-206

      ¨ Anti-Fungal and Anti-Microbial tests per

      Accugen Laboratory Report # 175034, # 175035

    Specifiche tecniche
    • Rif. Unicomotion-picture-production-acoustics
    • Famiglia di prodottoAcoustics
    • Gruppo di famigliaSoundstage
    • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
    • Data di pubblicazione2022-09-07
    • Numero di versione1
    Relativo a
    • Materiale principaleCementizio
    • Materiale secondarioLegno
    • Progettato inStati Uniti
    • Prodotto inStati Uniti
    • Categoria BIMobjectMateriali da costruzione - Pannelli fonoassorbenti e fonoisolanti & accessori
    • Clasificazione IFCElemento di costruzione
    • Codice Uniclass 2015Ss_25_25_05
    • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Acoustic panel systems
    • Codice CSI UniFormat IIF1030
    • Titolo CSI UniFormat IISpecial Construction Systems

    Disponibilità Regionale

    Nord America
    Antigua e Barbuda
    Costa Rica
    El Salvador
    Isole BES
    Isole Cayman
    Isole Turks e Caicos
    Isole Vergini Americane
    Isole Vergini britanniche
    Porto Rico
    Repubblica Dominicana
    Saint Kitts e Nevis
    Saint Martin
    Saint Vincent e Grenadine
    Saint-Pierre e Miquelon
    Santa Lucia
    Sint Maarten
    Stati Uniti
    Trinidad e Tobago