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Suvinil Paint and Dry
Suvinil Paint and Dry
Suvinil Paint and Dry
Suvinil Paint and Dry
Suvinil Paint and Dry
Suvinil Paint and Dry
Suvinil Paint and Dry

    Suvinil Paint and Dry

    The enamel paint that, when you realize, it's dried! Suvinil Paint and Dry makes your life easier in all means. It’s easy to apply, has uniform finish, needs no sandpapering over painted surfaces and after 20 minutes it's already dried at touch. Yes, you paint, and everything returns to normality on the same day.

    Available Sizes and Yields: 

    Gallon (3,6 L): up to 75 m2/coat;
    ¼ Gallon (0,9 L): up to 19 m2/coat

    Voce di capitolato
    • Role: Paint surfaces of ferrous, non-ferrous, wood, providing finish indicated by the manufacturer.
      Indicated Area: Interior and Exterior
      Finishing: High-Gloss for interior and/or exterior surfaces;
      Quality: Premium;
      Yield: 75 m2/coat (3,6L);

      Coats: 2-3

      Surfaces: Indicated to protect indoor and outdoor surfaces of wood, new metals and repainting.

      Pre-Application Products: Suvinil Primer for Galvanized Steel (can be applied on both ferrous/non ferrous metallic surfaces and on galvanized/non galvanized steel surfaces), Suvinil Antirust Primer.

      Shine Intensity: High-Gloss 5/5;

      Washability: High-Gloss 5/5;

      Guarantee: 10 years

    Specifiche tecniche
    • Rif. UnicoSUV-ESMALTE-PIS
    • Famiglia di prodottoPaint, Varnishes & Finishes
    • Gruppo di famigliaEnamels
    • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
    • Data di pubblicazione2019-12-10
    • Numero di versione1
    • Altezza (mm)188
    • Larghezza (mm)168
    • Profondità (mm)168
    Relativo a
    • Materiale principalePitture
    • Materiale secondarioPitture
    • Progettato inBrasile
    • Prodotto inBrasile
    • Peso Netto (Kg)3.6
    • Categoria BIMobjectMateriali da costruzione - Pitture, smalti e finiture
    • Clasificazione IFCMateriale
    • Codice ETIMEG020100
    • Nome ETIMBuilding - Finishing materials
    • Nome UNSPSCFinishing materials and products
    • Codice UNSPSC301519
    • Codice Uniclass 2015Pr_35_31_22_80
    • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Solvent-borne gloss finishes
    • Codice CSI MasterFormat 201409 91 00
    • Titolo CSI MasterFormat 2014Painting
    • Numero OmniClass23-15 21 11 11 11
    • Titolo OmniClassSolvent Based General Purpose Paints and Varnishes
    • Codice CSI UniFormat IIC30