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Cavere Chrome Shower handrail with shower head rail, movable 1050x750x1200 right
Cavere Chrome Shower handrail with shower head rail, movable 1050x750x1200 right
Cavere Chrome Shower handrail with shower head rail, movable 1050x750x1200 right

    Cavere Chrome Shower handrail with shower head rail, movable 1050x750x1200 right

    1050 x 750 x 1200mm, right made of aluminium, chrome finish grip profile and shower head rail, scratchproof powder-coated hand rail brackets and shower head holder, hand rail brackets with compensating wall pad, available in: chrome/white (392) and chrome/anthracite (395), with movable shower head rail, with infinitely adjustable shower head holder, easy adjustment to any height and angle, self-adjusting clamp, maintenance-free, operating handle for single handed operation without the need to turn, conical shower head holder suitable for various hand shower heads. Handrail with trigonometric contour for ergonomic support and grip, with adjustable shower head rail, left or right hand application, suitable for suspendable shower seats 9847...., Concealed screw fixing, max. loading permitted: 150 kgs for shower handrail, 100 kgs for shower headrail. Supplied with stainless steel Torx screws 6mm dia. x 70mm and plugs for solid masonry
    Specifiche tecniche
    • Rif. Unico9486108
    • Famiglia di prodottoCavere Care
    • Gruppo di famigliaCavere Chrome
    • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
    • Data di pubblicazione2019-01-21
    • Numero di versione1
    Relativo a
    • Materiale principaleAlluminio
    • Materiale secondarioCromato
    • Peso Netto (Kg)5750
    • Categoria BIMobjectArticoli sanitari - Accessori bagno
    • Clasificazione IFCRinghiera
    • Nome UNSPSCSanitary ware
    • Codice UNSPSC301815
    • Codice Uniclass 2015Pr_25_30_36
    • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Handrails
    • Codice CSI MasterFormat 201401 52 19
    • Titolo CSI MasterFormat 2014Sanitary Facilities
    • Numero OmniClass23-17 25 13
    • Titolo OmniClassHandrails
    • Codice CSI UniFormat IIE20
    • Titolo CSI UniFormat IIFURNISHINGS