The telescopic lip dock leveller 233NG is the newest generation electro-hydraulic dock leveller. Both the platform as well as the lip are powered hydraulically. The telescopic lip dock leveller 233NG is operated with a 4-button operation. The movement of the platform and lip can be individually controlled and they can, therefore, be accurately moved to the required position. It is also suitable to load or unload so-called 'last cargo' below the dock level. Loading Systems dock levellers can be tailor-made and, because of varying client specific requirements and constructional elements a large range of built-in possibilities can be offered. By making the correct decision, cost considerable savings can be made. The telescopic lip dock leveller 233NG is suited for a maximum load of 60kN.
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa | Asia | Africa | Sud America | Oceania | Nord America |
Albania | Arabia Saudita | Algeria | Argentina | Australia | Messico |
Andorra | Armenia | Angola | Bolivia | Guam | Panamá |
Austria | Azerbaijan | Benin | Brasile | Isola Norfolk | |
Belgio | Bahrein | Botswana | Cile | Nuova Caledonia | |
Bielorussia | Bangladesh | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Nuova Zelanda | |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Bhutan | Camerun | Ecuador | ||
Bulgaria | Brunei | Comore | Paraguay | ||
Cipro | Cambogia | Costa d'Avorio | Perù | ||
Città del Vaticano | Cina | Egitto | Suriname | ||
Croazia | Corea del Sud | eSwatini | Uruguay | ||
Danimarca | Emirati Arabi Uniti | Etiopia | |||
Estonia | Filippine | Gabon | |||
Finlandia | Georgia | Gambia | |||
Francia | Giappone | Ghana | |||
Germania | Giordania | Guinea | |||
Gibilterra | Hong Kong | Guinea Equatoriale | |||
Grecia | India | Guinea-Bissau | |||
Guernsey | Indonesia | Kenya | |||
Irlanda | Israele | Lesotho | |||
Islanda | Kazakistan | Liberia | |||
Isola di Man | Kirghizistan | Madagascar | |||
Isole Åland | Kuwait | Malawi | |||
Isole Faroe | Laos | Marocco | |||
Italia | Libano | Mauritius | |||
Jersey | Macau | Mozambico | |||
Lettonia | Malesia | Namibia | |||
Liechtenstein | Mongolia | Nigeria | |||
Lituania | Myanmar (Burma) | Riunione | |||
Lussemburgo | Nepal | Ruanda | |||
Macedonia del Nord | Oman | Sahara Occidentale | |||
Malta | Qatar | Senegal | |||
Moldavia | Singapore | Sierra Leone | |||
Monaco | Sri Lanka | Sudafrica | |||
Montenegro | Tagikistan | Tanzania | |||
Norvegia | Tailandia | Togo | |||
Paesi Bassi | Taiwan | Tunisia | |||
Polonia | Turchia | Uganda | |||
Portogallo | Uzbekistan | Zambia | |||
Regno Unito | Vietnam | Zimbabwe | |||
Repubblica Ceca | |||||
Romania | |||||
Russia | |||||
San Marino | |||||
Serbia | |||||
Slovacchia | |||||
Slovenia | |||||
Spagna | |||||
Svalbard e Jan Mayen | |||||
Svezia | |||||
Svizzera | |||||
Ucraina | |||||
Ungheria |