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35 kW - 50 kW (SD035 - SD050) Diesel Standby Generator

35 kW - 50 kW (SD035 - SD050) Diesel Standby Generator

Diesel-fueled generators are an efficient choice for high kW applications, as well as for facilities where code requirements call for on-site fuel storage, like hospitals and 911 call centers. They can also provide backup power in remote areas that do not have access to a natural gas infrastructure. To provide the best possible diesel-fueled standby power solutions, Generac identifies and pre-qualifies diesel engines proven in real-world applications under adverse conditions. Then we work hand-in-hand with best-in-class diesel engine manufacturers to optimize designs specifically to meet Generac requirements.
Specifiche tecniche
  • Rif. Unicogenerac-sd35-sd50
  • Famiglia di prodottoElectricity Generation Units
  • Gruppo di famigliaIndustrial Diesel
  • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
  • Data di pubblicazione2017-01-18
  • Numero di versione1
Relativo a
  • Progettato inStati Uniti
  • Prodotto inStati Uniti
  • Categoria BIMobjectImpianti elettrici - Ventilazione e distribuzione
  • Codice CSI MasterFormat 201426 32 13
  • Titolo CSI MasterFormat 2014Engine Generators
  • Numero OmniClass23-35 11 00
  • Titolo OmniClassElectrical Generators

Disponibilità Regionale

Nord America
Stati Uniti