The MB-59S CASEMENT system is intended for production of tilt windows and windows opening outwards – the economical ones and possessing good functional qualities at the same time.
This type of windows is intended to be mounted both in wall openings and in mullion-transom facades. The construction is based on the window/door system with a MB-59S thermal break. The structural depth of the window sections is equal to 50 mm for frames and 59 mm for casements. The profiled "omega"-shaped thermal breaks of the width of 16 mm and 22 mm, made from polyamide reinforced with fibreglass are applied.
The windows opening outwards may be equipped with two kinds of hinges: rotational and shear-type. The MB-59S CASEMENT system window sections have profiled grooves of dimensions allowing application of enveloped hardware and connecting elements in accordance with the European Union standards. The hardware mounted therein is produced by reputable companies such as Sobinco and Securistyle.
The system allows application of the set of glass panels of the thickness from 4.5 mm to 40. 5 mm in window casements and from 4.5 mm to 31.5 mm in fixed windows.
The structures based on this system are characterized by both high aesthetics and the good functional qualities:
The windows opening outwards, basing on the standard window/door system, were created mainly for the users in Great Britain, who are willing to use such type of solutions. However, we are convinced that the MB- 59S CASEMENT structures will turn out to be attractive also in the Polish market.
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa | Asia | Nord America | Africa | Sud America | Oceania |
Albania | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Algeria | Argentina | Australia |
Andorra | Arabia Saudita | Antigua e Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Figi |
Austria | Armenia | Aruba | Benin | Brasile | Guam |
Belgio | Azerbaijan | Bahamas | Botswana | Cile | Isola Norfolk |
Bielorussia | Bahrein | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Isole Cook |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Bangladesh | Belize | Burundi | Ecuador | Isole Marianne Settentrionali |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Bermuda | Camerun | Guiana Francese | Isole Marshall |
Cipro | Brunei | Canada | Capo Verde | Guyana | Isole Minori Esterne degli Stati Uniti |
Città del Vaticano | Cambogia | Costa Rica | Ciad | Isole Falkland (Malvine) | Isole Pitcairn |
Croazia | Cina | Cuba | Comore | Paraguay | Isole Salomone |
Danimarca | Corea del Sud | Curaçao | Congo | Perù | Kiribati |
Estonia | Emirati Arabi Uniti | Dominica | Costa d'Avorio | Suriname | Nauru |
Finlandia | Filippine | El Salvador | Egitto | Uruguay | Niue |
Francia | Georgia | Giamaica | Eritrea | Venezuela | Nuova Caledonia |
Germania | Giappone | Grenada | eSwatini | Nuova Zelanda | |
Gibilterra | Giordania | Groenlandia | Etiopia | Palau | |
Grecia | Hong Kong | Guadalupa | Gabon | Papua Nuova Guinea | |
Guernsey | India | Guatemala | Gambia | Polinesia Francese | |
Irlanda | Indonesia | Haiti | Ghana | Samoa | |
Islanda | Iran | Honduras | Gibuti | Samoa Americane | |
Isola di Man | Iraq | Isole BES | Guinea | Stati Federati di Micronesia | |
Isole Åland | Isola di Natale | Isole Cayman | Guinea Equatoriale | Timor Est | |
Isole Faroe | Isole Cocos (Keeling) | Isole Turks e Caicos | Guinea-Bissau | Tokelau | |
Italia | Israele | Isole Vergini Americane | Kenya | Tonga | |
Jersey | Kazakistan | Isole Vergini britanniche | Lesotho | Tuvalu | |
Lettonia | Kirghizistan | Martinica | Liberia | Vanuatu | |
Liechtenstein | Kuwait | Messico | Libia | Wallis e Futuna | |
Lituania | Laos | Montserrat | Madagascar | ||
Lussemburgo | Libano | Nicaragua | Malawi | ||
Macedonia del Nord | Macau | Panamá | Mali | ||
Malta | Maldive | Porto Rico | Marocco | ||
Moldavia | Malesia | Repubblica Dominicana | Mauritania | ||
Monaco | Mongolia | Saint Kitts e Nevis | Mauritius | ||
Montenegro | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Martin | Mayotte | ||
Norvegia | Nepal | Saint Vincent e Grenadine | Mozambico | ||
Paesi Bassi | Oman | Saint-Barthélemy | Namibia | ||
Polonia | Pakistan | Saint-Pierre e Miquelon | Niger | ||
Portogallo | Palestina | Santa Lucia | Nigeria | ||
Regno Unito | Qatar | Sint Maarten | Repubblica Centrafricana | ||
Repubblica Ceca | Singapore | Stati Uniti | Repubblica Democratica del Congo | ||
Romania | Siria | Trinidad e Tobago | Riunione | ||
Russia | Sri Lanka | Ruanda | |||
San Marino | Tagikistan | Sahara Occidentale | |||
Serbia | Tailandia | Sant'Elena | |||
Slovacchia | Taiwan | São Tomé e Príncipe | |||
Slovenia | Territori Britannici dell'Oceano Indiano | Senegal | |||
Spagna | Turchia | Seychelles | |||
Svalbard e Jan Mayen | Turkmenistan | Sierra Leone | |||
Svezia | Uzbekistan | Somalia | |||
Svizzera | Vietnam | Sudafrica | |||
Ucraina | Yemen | Sudan | |||
Ungheria | Sudan del Sud | ||||
Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |