Intelligent design: compact, convenient, connected
The Terra DC wallbox is the smart e-mobility investment. Developed together with leading electric vehicle manufacturers, the DC wallbox offers fast charging in an ultra-compact footprint.
Future proof: ROI maximized
Fully compatible with current and future electric vehicles, the Terra DC maximizes revenue opportunities for operators, with a built-in connection to the ABB Ability platform that ensures reliable payments and asset management.
Safety: built-in protection
Safety is a core principal of both ABB’s business and the Terra DC wallbox. Made by ABB to meet the highest safety standards, proven in independent certification tests worldwide: the ABB Terra DC wallbox is safe and reliable, for residential use too.
Terra DC wallbox is a futureproof investment supporting current and future EVs with high voltage charging, applicable to a wide variety of use cases, in an ultra-compact footprint, that is safe and reliable, for residential use too.
Residential: Multi-tenant homes, residential communities
Office: Small and large offices, business parks and complexes
Commercial: Hotels & hospitality sports institutions, shopping centres, commercial fleets, public or private campus, parking structures, car dealerships, race tracks
Public assets: Bus depots, utility, sensitive grid applications
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa | Nord America | Asia | Sud America | Oceania |
Albania | Anguilla | Armenia | Argentina | Australia |
Andorra | Antigua e Barbuda | Azerbaijan | Bolivia | Figi |
Austria | Aruba | Bangladesh | Brasile | Guam |
Belgio | Bahamas | Bhutan | Cile | Isola Norfolk |
Bielorussia | Barbados | Brunei | Colombia | Isole Cook |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Belize | Cambogia | Ecuador | Isole Marianne Settentrionali |
Bulgaria | Bermuda | Cina | Guiana Francese | Isole Marshall |
Cipro | Canada | Corea del Nord | Guyana | Isole Minori Esterne degli Stati Uniti |
Città del Vaticano | Costa Rica | Corea del Sud | Isole Falkland (Malvine) | Isole Pitcairn |
Croazia | Cuba | Filippine | Paraguay | Isole Salomone |
Danimarca | Curaçao | Georgia | Perù | Kiribati |
Estonia | Dominica | Giappone | Suriname | Nauru |
Finlandia | El Salvador | Hong Kong | Uruguay | Niue |
Francia | Giamaica | India | Venezuela | Nuova Caledonia |
Germania | Grenada | Indonesia | Nuova Zelanda | |
Gibilterra | Groenlandia | Isola di Natale | Palau | |
Grecia | Guadalupa | Isole Cocos (Keeling) | Papua Nuova Guinea | |
Guernsey | Guatemala | Kazakistan | Polinesia Francese | |
Irlanda | Haiti | Kirghizistan | Samoa | |
Islanda | Honduras | Laos | Samoa Americane | |
Isola di Man | Isole BES | Macau | Stati Federati di Micronesia | |
Isole Åland | Isole Cayman | Maldive | Timor Est | |
Isole Faroe | Isole Turks e Caicos | Malesia | Tokelau | |
Italia | Isole Vergini Americane | Mongolia | Tonga | |
Jersey | Isole Vergini britanniche | Myanmar (Burma) | Tuvalu | |
Lettonia | Martinica | Nepal | Vanuatu | |
Liechtenstein | Messico | Pakistan | Wallis e Futuna | |
Lituania | Montserrat | Singapore | ||
Lussemburgo | Nicaragua | Sri Lanka | ||
Macedonia del Nord | Panamá | Tagikistan | ||
Malta | Porto Rico | Tailandia | ||
Moldavia | Repubblica Dominicana | Taiwan | ||
Monaco | Saint Kitts e Nevis | Territori Britannici dell'Oceano Indiano | ||
Montenegro | Saint Martin | Turkmenistan | ||
Norvegia | Saint Vincent e Grenadine | Uzbekistan | ||
Paesi Bassi | Saint-Barthélemy | Vietnam | ||
Polonia | Saint-Pierre e Miquelon | |||
Portogallo | Santa Lucia | |||
Regno Unito | Sint Maarten | |||
Repubblica Ceca | Stati Uniti | |||
Romania | Trinidad e Tobago | |||
Russia | ||||
San Marino | ||||
Serbia | ||||
Slovacchia | ||||
Slovenia | ||||
Spagna | ||||
Svalbard e Jan Mayen | ||||
Svezia | ||||
Svizzera | ||||
Ucraina | ||||
Ungheria |