Termékek közzététele
Estía R32 Wall-Mounted (Indoor unit) HWT- 6 11 1XWH**W-E

Estía R32 Wall-Mounted (Indoor unit) HWT- 6 11 1XWH**W-E

The Estía R32 of air-to-water heat pumps for heating and cooling consists of 4 single phase models, to suit any residential or small office application. The wall mounted hydronic modules are equipped with 3 or 6 or 9 kW backup electric heaters, it can be combined with a domestic hot water tank available in three sizes of 150, 210 or 300 liters,

Using the HWS-AMS54E-EN controller, up to 8 heat pumps can be operated in parallel in the same application, making the system the ideal solution for apartment buildings. The control mounted on board the hydronic module is equipped with weekly programming. Estia is compatible with different types of terminals, like underfloor heating, water fan coils and radiators .

The Estía is also perfectly suited for applications in mountain areas.

Estía can also be connected to external supervision and control systems using Modbus and Konnex protocols.

ESTIA via Wi-Fi optional module, can be controlled remotely and/or with vocal assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Home
  • Technical details:

    - Split heat pump system: outdoor unit + hydronic module

    - Backup heaters capacity: 3,0, 6,0 e 9,0 kW

    - For heating and cooling operation

    - Water production in heating: from 20°C to 65°C (up to 55°C for sizes 4 and 6)- Water production in cooling: from 7° to 25°C

    - Energy Efficienty Class A++

    - Anti-legionella cycle setting

Műszaki specifikáció
  • Egyedi azonosítóEstia-R32-parete_6-11_unita-interna
  • TermékcsaládHVAC - Residential: air to water
  • TermékcsoportIndoor unit
  • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
  • Megjelenés dátuma2023-04-26
  • Verziószám1
  • Magasság (mm)725
  • Szélesség (mm)450
  • Mélység (mm)235
Kapcsolódó adatok
  • Elsődleges anyagFém
  • Nettó tömeg (kg)27
  • BIMobject kategóriaHVAC - Légkondicionálás
  • IFC besorolásLégterminál

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