Termékek közzététele
Electric Clamshell Grill; C842
Taylor Company

Electric Clamshell Grill; C842

4.6 out of 5 stars4.6(5 reviews)
Electric Clamshell Grill

One touch menu selection automatically chooses the proper TIME, TEMPERATURE, and GAP settings.

Auto Leveling
Automated procedure that sets the upper platen parallel to the lower plate. Operates during daily opening procedures or upon request. Assures gap accuracy and reduces need for gap related service calls. Increases food quality through consistently accurate gap settings.

Automatically determines product placed on the grill and sets cook time and multi-gap parameters. Easier to operate and eliminates need to change product settings, which improves flexibility.

Programmable Controls
Microprocessor controls are programmable for simplified crew operation. Also offers flexibility for future menu items and product specification changes at the restaurant level.

Upper Platens
Upper platen may be lowered manually for quick closing, or will close automatically to the preset gap setting with the touch of one button. Air cylinder system provides quiet, simple, trouble-free operation of the upper platen. As a safety feature, platen will automatically open at loss of power, or if an obstruction is detected.

Precise Automatic Gapping
With the unique three point reference system, the upper platen automatically achieves accurate and consistent gaps, every time. Precise, repeatable gapping results in consistent and better quality finished product.

Cooking Zones
Three separately controlled cooking positions. Three independent heating elements in the lower cooking surface, and two in the upper platen, assures even temperatures and quick recovery.

Wrap Around Release Material
Protects entire upper platen cooking surface and makes cleaning easy. Improved install and removal process away from hot surfaces.

Wireless Smart Equipment
Communicates via power line to LonWorks® Smart Kitchen network. Connectivity benefits may include reduced labor through automatic menu rollout/updates, and energy cost savings from usage management at peak demands.

Patty Cook Position Placement Guide
Lower cooking surface is etched for a permanent patty placement guide for two-sided cooking.

For more information on this model, contact your local distributor.
Műszaki specifikáció
  • Egyedi azonosítótaylor-014
  • TermékcsaládKitchen
  • TermékcsoportGrills
  • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
  • Megjelenés dátuma2014-03-15
  • Verziószám1
  • BIMobject kategóriaKonyha - Konyhafelszerelés
  • IFC besorolásElektromos készülék
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kód11 40 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 névFoodservice Equipment
  • OmniClass szám23-21 21 00
  • OmniClass névFood Service Equipment and Furnishings