Termékek közzététele
SENBON Lattice Fence_Unit with legs

SENBON Lattice Fence_Unit with legs

Our "Senbon-Koushi" lattice offers a wide range of design variations to accommodate various space designs.

An extensive lineup featuring two grid spacing options (30mm and 53mm) is complemented by its attractive affordability

  • 1.SENBON Lattice Fence_Unit with legs_30×50_gap 30mm


     COLOR:Brown Ebony|Dark Pine|Natural Pine|Charcoal Gray|Stainless Steel
         Black Ebony|White Pine|Light Oak|Redwood|Jarrah|Actio Oak|Rustic Copper|Matte Black|Walnut|Clear Silver

    2.SENBON Lattice Fence_Unit with legs_30×50_gap 53mm


     COLOR:Brown Ebony|Dark Pine|Natural Pine|Charcoal Gray|Stainless Steel
         Black Ebony|White Pine|Light Oak|Redwood|Jarrah|Actio Oak|Rustic Copper|Matte Black|Walnut

Műszaki specifikáció
  • Egyedi azonosítósenbon-lattice-fence-unit-with-legs
  • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
  • Megjelenés dátuma2024-04-30
  • Verziószám1
  • BIMobject kategóriaTájkertészet - Kerítés