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Suvinil Premium Acrylic Constructions
Suvinil Premium Acrylic Constructions
Suvinil Premium Acrylic Constructions
Suvinil Premium Acrylic Constructions
Suvinil Premium Acrylic Constructions
Suvinil Premium Acrylic Constructions

    Suvinil Premium Acrylic Constructions


    Suvinil Premium Acrylic is an acrylic emulsion paint that ensures quality to your painting. Has high hiding power, low dripping, no peeling, it's resistant and endurable. Simply follow Suvinil's preparation guidelines and...it's done!

    Available Sizes and Yields:
    Can and Plastic Pail (18 L): White: up to 130 m2 finished // Colors: up to 120m² finished;
    Can (16 L): Base: up to 100 m² finished

    • Indicated Area: Interior and Exterior;
      Finishing: Matte;
      Quality: Premium;
      Yield: White: up to 130 m2 finished // Colors: up to 120m² finished (18L)

      Coats: 2-3

      Surfaces: Suitable for painting external and internal surfaces of plaster, acrylic putty, textures, concrete, fiber-cement. And fo internal surfaces of putty and plaster properly prepared.

      Pre-Application Products: Suvinil Acrylic Sealer (for first painting on firm masonry surfaces). Suvinil Wall Preparing Primer (for repainting on weak surfaces such as chalked paints and fibercement). Suvinil Plaster & Drywall (for new surfaces of gypsum, plaster and drywall). Suvinil Suviflex (in case of cracks and/or high-absorptive Masonry Facades affected by raindrops or sea air). Suvinil Constructions Interior Putty or Suvinil Constructions Exterior/Interior Putty for surface levelling.

      Shine Intensity: 0/5;
      Washability: 2/5;
      Odor: no odor within 3 hours after application

    Műszaki specifikáció
    • Egyedi azonosítóSUV-CCIVIL-APR
    • TermékcsaládPaint, Varnishes & Finishes
    • TermékcsoportWall Paints
    • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
    • Megjelenés dátuma2019-12-10
    • Verziószám1
    • Magasság (mm)348.5
    • Szélesség (mm)235
    • Mélység (mm)235
    Kapcsolódó adatok
    • Elsődleges anyagFesték
    • Másodlagos anyagFesték
    • Tervezés helyeBrazília
    • Gyártás helyeBrazília
    • Nettó tömeg (kg)25.91
    • BIMobject kategóriaÉpítészeti alapanyagok - Paint, Varnishes & Finishes
    • IFC besorolásAnyag
    • ETIM CodeEG020100
    • ETIM NameBuilding - Finishing materials
    • UNSPSC névFinishing materials and products
    • UNSPSC kód301519
    • Uniclass 2015 kódPr_35_31_22_96
    • Uniclass 2015 leírásWaterborne masonry paints
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kód09 90 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 névPainting and Coating
    • OmniClass szám23-15 21 11 11 13
    • OmniClass névWater Based General Purpose Paints and Varnishes
    • CSI UniFormat II kódC3010
    • CSI Uniformat II névWall Finishes