Termékek közzététele
INTELLO X PLUS Reinforced all-round hydrosafe® high-performance vapour check
INTELLO X PLUS Reinforced all-round hydrosafe® high-performance vapour check
INTELLO X PLUS Reinforced all-round hydrosafe® high-performance vapour check
    pro clima

    INTELLO X PLUS Reinforced all-round hydrosafe® high-performance vapour check

    INTELLO X PLUS, Reinforced all-round hydrosafe® high-performance vapour check, Vapour check (alternate terms: vapour control or retarder) membrane for use on the inside of insulation installed between rafters or wall framework, or directly on top of a hard subsurface underneath exterior insulation in combination with all fibrous insulation materials – including blown-in insulation materials. This membrane can be permanently exposed to diffuse UV light – e.g. in unconverted spaces without inner cladding. In the case of refurbishment from the outside and installation between two layers of insulation, the choice of insulation materials for the two layers is limited to mineral or rock wool. The thickness of the external mineral wool insulation needs to be calculated on a project-specific basis; please contact Technical Support at pro clima in Germany for assistance. It can be used on building components that are diffusion-open to the outside or are diffusion-tight, e.g. pitched, flat or green roofs, after appropriate design calculations have been carried out.
    • Areas of application, Vapour check (alternate terms: vapour control or retarder) membrane for use on the inside of insulation installed between rafters or wall framework, or directly on top of a hard subsurface underneath exterior insulation in combination with all fibrous insulation materials – including blown-in insulation materials. This membrane can be permanently exposed to diffuse UV light – e.g. in unconverted spaces without inner cladding. In the case of refurbishment from the outside and installation between two layers of insulation, the choice of insulation materials for the two layers is limited to mineral or rock wool. The thickness of the external mineral wool insulation needs to be calculated on a project-specific basis; please contact Technical Support at pro clima in Germany for assistance. It can be used on building components that are diffusion-open to the outside or are diffusion-tight, e.g. pitched, flat or green roofs, after appropriate design calculations have been carried out.
    Műszaki specifikáció
    • Egyedi azonosítóintello-x-plus
    • Termékcsaládvariable vapour barrier
    • TermékcsoportBuilding Material
    • TípusÉpítészeti alapanyagok
    • Megjelenés dátuma2024-09-04
    • Verziószám1
    • Magasság (mm)0.7
    • Szélesség (mm)1.5
    Kapcsolódó adatok
    • Elsődleges anyagPolipropilén
    • Másodlagos anyagPolymer
    • Tervezés helyeNémetország
    • Gyártás helyeNémetország
    • Nettó tömeg (kg)170
    • BIMobject kategóriaÉpítészeti alapanyagok - Waterproofing & Membranes
    • IFC besorolásTető
    • OmniClass szám23-13 25 27
    • OmniClass névVapor Barriers