Termékek közzététele
Tool Less Snap-in Filler Panels

Tool Less Snap-in Filler Panels

Ortronics Tool Less Snap-in Filler Panels are used to fill open rack units in racks and cabinets where separation of cold air and hot air is required. They are designed to work with active equipment and Ortronics flat, angled or curved patch panels. The tool less snap-in filler panels unique patent pending design allows them to snap into 19” EIA/ECA-310-E compliant tapped or square hole mounting rails. Because no field modification is required to fit a tapped hole, the panel can be remounted in a square hole in the future eliminating the need to stock two different types of panels.
Műszaki specifikáció
  • Egyedi azonosítóortronics-1054
  • TermékcsaládDistribution Devices
  • TermékcsoportRacks, Cabinets, and Physical Support
  • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
  • Megjelenés dátuma2017-01-19
  • Verziószám1
  • BIMobject kategóriaElektronika - Hálózatok

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