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Infinium High Density (HD) Enhanced Fiber Enclosure M4 Drawer Face
Infinium High Density (HD) Enhanced Fiber Enclosure M4 Drawer Face

    Infinium High Density (HD) Enhanced Fiber Enclosure M4 Drawer Face

    Infinium High Density (HD) Enhanced Fiber Enclosure M4 Drawer Face. Available in 1U, 2U & 4U

    The Infinium HD-E Fiber Enclosure is an ideal solution for fiber networks in data centers and building networks. The high-density footprint accommodates up to 96 LC fibers in 1U of rack space. This enclosure has many innovative features designed with the installer, contractor, and network professional in mind, providing a simplified process when installing or working within the enclosure.

    Each enclosure includes drawer face, cable attachment, LED lights, label card, top cover, pivot arms and disks, jumper management, and grommets.

    • INFC04U-M4-E

    Műszaki specifikáció
    • Egyedi azonosítóinfinium_fiber_enclosure_M4
    • TermékcsaládDistribution Devices
    • TermékcsoportRacks, Cabinets, and Physical Support
    • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
    • Megjelenés dátuma2021-03-03
    • Verziószám1
    • BIMobject kategóriaElektronika - Hálózatok

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