F126.de Knauf Pre-fab Floor Screed on separating layer/equalizatioin layer
Prefabricated screed is applied separately from the substrate on a leveling layer or a load-bearing leveling layer to compensate for unevenness under the precast floor.
Brio consists of homogeneously constructed gypsum fiber elements with milled shiplap. Brio elements are 18 or 23 mm thick gypsum fibreboards in the format 0.6 m x 1.2 m with milled 35 mm wide stepped rebate. The elements are glued in the rebate area with two strings Brio Falzkleber u. screwed or stapled. Suitable for underfloor heating. Brio composite elements, thickness 18 mm, laminated with 10 mm wood fiber impact sound insulation layer or with 10 mm mineral wool (total thickness 28 mm) / 20 mm polystyrene thermal insulation layer (total thickness 38 mm) or Brio elements, thickness 23 mm, laminated with 10 mm wood fiber - Sound insulation layer (total thickness 33 mm).
Műszaki specifikáció
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