Termékek közzététele
HIMOINSA | HFW Diesel Generators  | 250 KVA - 351 KVA | Industrial Range | Soundproofed

HIMOINSA | HFW Diesel Generators | 250 KVA - 351 KVA | Industrial Range | Soundproofed

Generator sets for fixed installations that stand out for their reliability and fast response. Generators capable of establishing communication with the grid / and or with other generators, being able to work in parallel, if the application requires it.HI-Industrial range generators are designed to guarantee the highest performance in any application. They can be used to supply power continuously, for peak shaving or as emergency power in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors.BEST-IN-CLASS canopies manufactured with top quality sheet metal and the latest technology in priming, anti-corrosion and anti-rust systems.
  • Genset Models 250KVA - 351KVA : HFW-200 T6,HFW-240 T6,HFW-245 T5, HFW-250 T5,HFW-255 T5,HFW-260 T6,HFW-310 T5,HFW-315 T6, HFW-250 T5,HFW-250 T6, HFW-200 T6,HFW-250 T5,HFW-250 T6, HFW-250 T5,HFW-260 T6,HFW-255 T5,HFW-310 T5,HFW-315 T6,HFW-255 T5,HFW-310 T5,HFW-315 T6
Műszaki specifikáció
  • Egyedi azonosítóHFW-SoundProofed-F1
  • TermékcsoportINDUSTRIAL RANGE
  • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
  • Megjelenés dátuma2022-12-12
  • Verziószám1
  • BIMobject kategóriaElektromos - Elektromos
  • IFC besorolásElektromos generátor
  • ETIM CodeEC002823
  • ETIM NamePower generator
  • UNSPSC névDiesel generators
  • UNSPSC kód26111601
  • Uniclass 2015 kódPr_60_70_65_34
  • Uniclass 2015 leírásGenerator sets
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kód26 32 13.13
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 névDiesel-Engine-Driven Generator Sets
  • OmniClass szám23-35 11 15 11
  • OmniClass névDiesel Generator Sets
  • CSI UniFormat II kódD5090
  • CSI Uniformat II névOther Electrical Systems