Dwell,- an organically shaped timeless chair with design references from the 20s and 30s. A chair that with its enveloping shape provides warmth and safety into the meeting room, or the rocking playfulness in a breakout zone.
Great function, combined with well thought out design makes Dwell a perfectly comfortable chair. Dwell is a spacious chair that provides room to shift positions and with armrests that gives you a feeling of being protected.
Dwell has several types of bases; from the fun rocker base, the sled base with an unexpected twist and a star base that gives optimumconference comfort. These variations allow the chair to act as a solo artist or play with multiple chairs without stealing all the attention. Small, customized touches will make a big difference to the chair's expression. The chair series allows for customized color coated bases, and of course Fora Forms range within fabric alternatives. A chair that can live from lounge to conference.
Termék elérhetősége
Európa |
Albania |
Ausztria |
Belgium |
Bosznia-Hercegovina |
Bulgária |
Ciprus |
Csehország |
Dánia |
Egyesült Királyság |
Észak-Macedónia |
Észtország |
Fehéroroszország |
Finnország |
Franciaország |
Görögország |
Hollandia |
Horvátország |
Írország |
Izland |
Lengyelország |
Lettország |
Litvánia |
Luxemburg |
Magyarország |
Moldova |
Montenegró |
Németország |
Norvégia |
Olaszország |
Oroszország |
Portugália |
Románia |
Spanyolország |
Svájc |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
Svédország |
Szerbia |
Szlovákia |
Szlovénia |
Ukrajna |