Con is a versatile chair series for use in several areas of interaction, from formal meeting rooms to canteens. Designer Lars Tornøe started out with shell structures to design a "petite contribution" to Fora Form's collection. The result has been a chair and bar stool made up of two overlapping shells joined by a distinct button, a theme influenced by Japanese armor. The layered design is the foundation for a series of chairs with countless combination options with shells in different designs, armrests and various bases.
Termék elérhetősége
Európa |
Albania |
Ausztria |
Belgium |
Bosznia-Hercegovina |
Bulgária |
Ciprus |
Csehország |
Dánia |
Egyesült Királyság |
Észak-Macedónia |
Észtország |
Fehéroroszország |
Finnország |
Franciaország |
Görögország |
Hollandia |
Horvátország |
Írország |
Izland |
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Lettország |
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Luxemburg |
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Montenegró |
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Oroszország |
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Svájc |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
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Szerbia |
Szlovákia |
Szlovénia |
Ukrajna |