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Sink Cabinets
Sink Cabinets
Sink Cabinets

    Sink Cabinets

    4.7 out of 5 stars4.7(9 reviews)

    When designing an outdoor kitchen, there are many essential components to consider including, base cabinets, countertops for food prep, grill cabinets and more. Sink Cabinets are the perfect addition to an outdoor kitchen area. An outdoor kitchen sink is great for food prep and allows you to clean up in your outdoor living space. Danver Stainless Outdoor Kitchens Sink Cabinets for the backyard or patio are available in 3″ increments, starting at a width of 15″ and ranging to 66″ wide to fit virtually any sink.

      • The standard sink cabinet depth is 27 7/8”, including the door, but a 24 7/8” depth may be specified.
      • Sink cabinets come with pre-made access holes for plumbing and/or electrical with removable covers.
      • The standard sink cabinet box height is 30″ with 4 1/2″ adjustable legs.
      • For a more contemporary look, we offer a square shaped, tapered stainless steel leg with adjustable foot.
      • Black anodized toe kicks may be ordered separately and cut on-site.
      • Standard stainless steel pulls are included and upgrades are available for an additional charge.
      • Hinges and screws are included with every cabinet.
      • Shelves are optional and can be fixed or pull-out.
      • The sink base can be powder coated, making the kitchen cabinetry almost maintenance-free.

      No one wants to be stuck indoors cooking when the weather is nice outside. Danver’s outdoor sink base cabinets help transform outdoor spaces into luxury outdoor kitchens with all the amenities of the indoors. Instead of running back and forth from the house, build an outdoor kitchen area with everything a homeowner needs. Adding a sink outdoors improves the outdoor area as you can wash vegetables, clean utensils and more at ease. Because they are applied with powder coat finishes, our stainless steel cabinets are built to last and create the ultimate entertaining outdoor space adding value to any home.

    Műszaki specifikáció
    • Egyedi azonosítósink-cabinets
    • TermékcsaládCabinetry
    • TermékcsoportBase Cabinets
    • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
    • Megjelenés dátuma2022-01-26
    • Verziószám1
    Kapcsolódó adatok
    • Elsődleges anyagRozsdamentes acél
    • Tervezés helyeEgyesült Államok
    • Gyártás helyeEgyesült Államok
    • BIMobject kategóriaKonyha - Konyhabútorok
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