The DMPS3-4K-150-C from Crestron® provides an ultra high-definition presentation switcher and control solution that’s perfect for huddle rooms, conference rooms, and classrooms. It integrates the control system, multi-format switcher, 4K video scaler, mic preamp, and audio DSP all into one compact device that mounts conveniently under a conference table or in an equipment rack. Built-in Crestron Connect It™ functionality affords a complete collaboration solution that’s easy and affordable to deploy in any small to medium sized meeting space. Without requiring any programming, the DMPS3-4K-150-C is easily configurable for a variety of media presentation applications.
Auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and analog audio inputs provide the essential connectivity needed to manage multiple computers and other media sources. A full-featured microphone input is also included for applications requiring high-quality speech reinforcement. The selected input source and microphone can be mixed and routed to one HDMI output and one stereo analog audio output. Additional DigitalMedia 8G+® inputs and output afford a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources, for the display device, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system. Built-in 4K scaling ensures the highest possible image quality, and compatibility with the widest range of sources and displays.
4K Ultra HD
The DMPS3-4K-150-C handles 4K and Ultra HD video signals, which is essential to ensure support for the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.
Crestron Connect It™
Crestron Connect It is a cost-effective, simple-to-use presentation solution that provides tabletop BYOD connectivity and one-touch control for multiple participants around a conference table. Simply add up to four Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies (TT-100 series [1]) to the DMPS3-4K-150-C. Its auto-switching inputs support individual HDMI, VGA, and analog audio connections at each cable caddy. Four USB ports on the DMPS3-4K-150-C provide power and communications for each cable caddy.
A fully functional Crestron Connect It system is enabled right out of the box by simply connecting the cable caddies and input cables. Additional settings and AV adjustments are available through a simple web browser setup screen. In addition to the Crestron Connect It devices, the DMPS3-4K-150-C can also accommodate two DM® transmitters, one DM receiver, and an AirMedia® Presentation Gateway without any additional programming.[1,2]
No Programming Required!
Installing the DMPS3-4K-150-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework™ technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit:[3]
Key Features
1. Item(s) sold separately.
2. The AirMedia Presentation Gateway, model AM-101, requires one HDMI input on the DMPS3-4K-150-C.
3. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit:
4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.
5. The VGA inputs can accept component, composite, and S-Video signals using an appropriate adapter (not included). However, input sync detection is not provided for composite or S-Video signal types.
6. When using an analog audio input in combination with an HDMI video input, the source’s video resolution must be 1920x1200 or lower. The analog audio input will not pass audio if the source’s video resolution is higher than 1920x1200.
7. Automatically passes 3D video if the display device supports it (reverts to pass-through mode without scaling). Provides automatic 3D-to-2D conversion (with scaling) if the display device does not support 3D.
8. Routing of a multichannel audio signal via a digital input and output (HDMI or DM) requires the input to be set for “mixer bypass” mode. When that input is selected, all audio controls on the digital output are disabled and the ability to route the microphone signal to that output is defeated. Mixer bypass mode also disables the Input Compensation control on that input.
9. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ & HDBaseT Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.
10. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-150-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.
11. License required. The DMPS3-4K-150-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.
12. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 12.95 Watts is delivered at each PoDM or HDBaseT PoE powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or HDBaseT PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.
Termék elérhetősége
Európa | Ázsia | Észak-Amerika | Afrika | Dél-Amerika | Óceánia |
Åland | Afganisztán | Anguilla | Algéria | Argentína | Amerikai Szamoa |
Albania | Azerbajdzsán | Antigua és Barbuda | Angola | Bolívia | Ausztrália |
Andorra | Bahrein | Aruba | Benin | Brazília | Cook-szigetek |
Ausztria | Banglades | Bahama-szigetek | Bissau-Guinea | Chile | Észak-Mariana-szigetek |
Belgium | Bhután | Barbados | Botswana | Ecuador | Fidzsi-szigetek |
Bosznia-Hercegovina | Brit Indiai-óceáni Terület | Belize | Burkina Faso | Falkland-szigetek | Francia Polinézia |
Bulgária | Brunei Szultanátus | Bermuda | Burundi | Francia Guyana | Guam |
Ciprus | Christmas Island | Brit Virgin-szigetek | Comore-szigetek | Guyana | Kelet-Timor |
Csehország | Dél-Korea | Caribbean Netherlands | Csád | Kolumbia | Kiribati |
Dánia | Egyesült Arab Emírségek | Costa Rica | Dél-afrikai Köztársaság | Paraguay | Marshall-szigetek |
Egyesült Királyság | Észak-Korea | Curaçao | Dél-Szudán | Peru | Mikronéziai Szövetségi Államok |
Észak-Macedónia | Fülöp-szigetek | Dominikai Közösség | Dzsibuti | Suriname | Nauru |
Észtország | Grúzia | Dominikai Köztársaság | Egyenlítői-Guinea | Uruguay | Niue |
Fehéroroszország | Hongkong | Egyesült Államok | Egyiptom | Venezuela | Norfolk-sziget |
Feröer-szigetek | India | El Salvador | Elefántcsontpart | Palau | |
Finnország | Indonézia | Grenada | Eritrea | Pápua Új-Guinea | |
Franciaország | Irak | Grönland | Etiópia | Pitcairn-szigetek | |
Gibraltár | Irán | Guadeloupe | Gabon | Salamon-szigetek | |
Görögország | Izrael | Guatemala | Gambia | Szamoa | |
Guernsey | Japán | Haiti | Ghána | Tokelau | |
Hollandia | Jemen | Honduras | Guinea | Tonga | |
Horvátország | Jordánia | Jamaica | Kamerun | Tuvalu | |
Írország | Kambodzsa | Kajmán-szigetek | Kenya | Új-Kaledónia | |
Izland | Katar | Kanada | Kongó | Új-Zéland | |
Jersey | Kazahsztán | Kuba | Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Lengyelország | Kína | Martinique | Közép-afrikai Köztársaság | Vanuatu | |
Lettország | Kirgizisztán | Mexikó | Lesotho | Wallis és Futuna | |
Liechtenstein | Kókusz-szigetek | Montserrat | Libéria | ||
Litvánia | Kuvait | Nicaragua | Líbia | ||
Luxemburg | Laosz | Panamaváros | Madagaszkár | ||
Magyarország | Libanon | Puerto Rico | Malawi | ||
Málta | Makaó | Saint Kitts és Nevis | Mali | ||
Man-sziget | Malajzia | Saint Lucia | Marokkó | ||
Moldova | Maldív-szigetek | Saint Pierre és Miquelon | Mauritánia | ||
Monaco | Mianmar (Burma) | Saint Vincent és a Grenadine-szigetek | Mauritius | ||
Montenegró | Mongólia | Saint-Barthélemy | Mayotte | ||
Németország | Nepál | Saint-Martin | Mozambik | ||
Norvégia | Omán | Sint Maarten | Namíbia | ||
Olaszország | Örményország | Trinidad és Tobago | Niger | ||
Oroszország | Pakisztán | Turks- és Caicos-szigetek | Nigéria | ||
Portugália | Palesztina | Virgin-szigetek | Nyugat-Szahara | ||
Románia | Srí Lanka | Réunion | |||
San Marino | Szaúd-Arábia | Ruanda | |||
Spanyolország | Szingapúr | São Tomé és Príncipe | |||
Svájc | Szíria | Seychelle-szigetek | |||
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Tádzsikisztán | Sierra Leone | |||
Svédország | Tajvan | Szenegál | |||
Szerbia | Thaiföld | Szent Ilona | |||
Szlovákia | Törökország | Szomália | |||
Szlovénia | Türkmenisztán | Szudán | |||
Ukrajna | Üzbegisztán | Szváziföld | |||
Vatikán | Vietnam | Tanzánia | |||
Togo | |||||
Tunézia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe | |||||
Zöld-foki Köztársaság |