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    Cariboni Group

    ONE4TWO Wall mounted

    Wall-mounted, mono-emission or bi-emission, ideal for accent and diffuse lighting of porticos, soffits and building entrances. #Design The geometric purity of the cylinder gives this fitting a timeless shape, making it suitable for installation in both historical and modern architectural contexts. #Attention to detail The product is sealed with a bayonet system, which allows the fitting to be opened and closed without the need for unsightly screws. #DURABLE The product is robust and reliable. Components, materials and finishes have been chosen to last a long time and resist corrosion, infiltration and mechanical impact. #REPAIRABLE The source and the power supply and control unit can be replaced for maintenance and to update the product in order to extend its service life.
    • Wall-mounted, mono-emission or bi-emission, ideal for accent and diffuse lighting of porticos, soffits and building entrances. #Design The geometric purity of the cylinder gives this fitting a timeless shape, making it suitable for installation in both historical and modern architectural contexts. #Attention to detail The product is sealed with a bayonet system, which allows the fitting to be opened and closed without the need for unsightly screws. #DURABLE The product is robust and reliable. Components, materials and finishes have been chosen to last a long time and resist corrosion, infiltration and mechanical impact. #REPAIRABLE The source and the power supply and control unit can be replaced for maintenance and to update the product in order to extend its service life.
    Műszaki specifikáció
    • Egyedi azonosítóONE4TWO_Wall_Mounted
    • TermékcsaládWall mounted
    • TermékcsoportOne4Two
    • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
    • Megjelenés dátuma2017-12-06
    • Verziószám2
    • Magasság (mm)249
    • Szélesség (mm)228
    • Mélység (mm)150
    Kapcsolódó adatok
    • Elsődleges anyagAlumínium
    • Másodlagos anyagAlumínium
    • Tervezés helyeOlaszország
    • Gyártás helyeOlaszország
    • Nettó tömeg (kg)3.8
    • BIMobject kategóriaVilágítás - Falra szerelhető
    • IFC besorolásvilágítási alkatrész
    • ETIM CodeEC001959
    • ETIM NameLED-lamp/Multi-LED
    • UNSPSC névLighting Fixtures and Accessories
    • UNSPSC kód3911
    • Uniclass 2015 kódPr_70_70_48_46
    • Uniclass 2015 leírásLight-emitting diode (LED) luminaires
    • ProductPage.DetailedInfo.Classifications.COBIetypeCategoryPr_70_70_48_46
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kód26 56 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 névExterior Lighting
    • OmniClass szám23-35 47 11
    • OmniClass névLighting Fixtures
    • CSI UniFormat II kódD5020
    • CSI Uniformat II névLighting & Branch Wiring