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Cariboni Group

AGATHOS Suspension arm

Agathos is a traditionally shaped lantern, but is designed specifically to house the most innovative LED technology. #Light quality Agathos is also available in 2200K, a very warm white, similar to old sodium lamps but with a high colour rendering index. The warm light makes urban spaces more welcoming and is ideal for lighting ancient villages and historical centres. #Attention to detail The product has been designed so that it can be separated into its parts to reduce the size of the packaging and optimise both storage and transport. #DURABLE The product is robust and reliable. Components, materials and finishes have been chosen to last a long time and resist corrosion, voltage surges and impact. #REPAIRABLE The source and the power supply and control unit can be replaced for maintenance and to update the product in order to extend its service life. #RECYCLABLE The main product and the packaging materials are RECYCLABLE. #ENERGY SAVING The efficiency of LED optical modules plus multiple luminous flux adjustment options and adaptive lighting systems. #Agathos system Discover Agathos Pole-Top, Agathos Pole-Side and Agathos Ceiling.
  • Agathos is a traditionally shaped lantern, but is designed specifically to house the most innovative LED technology. #Light quality Agathos is also available in 2200K, a very warm white, similar to old sodium lamps but with a high colour rendering index. The warm light makes urban spaces more welcoming and is ideal for lighting ancient villages and historical centres. #Attention to detail The product has been designed so that it can be separated into its parts to reduce the size of the packaging and optimise both storage and transport. #DURABLE The product is robust and reliable. Components, materials and finishes have been chosen to last a long time and resist corrosion, voltage surges and impact. #REPAIRABLE The source and the power supply and control unit can be replaced for maintenance and to update the product in order to extend its service life. #RECYCLABLE The main product and the packaging materials are RECYCLABLE. #ENERGY SAVING The efficiency of LED optical modules plus multiple luminous flux adjustment options and adaptive lighting systems. #Agathos system Discover Agathos Pole-Top, Agathos Pole-Side and Agathos Ceiling.
Műszaki specifikáció
  • Egyedi azonosítóAgathos_Suspension-Arm
  • TermékcsaládPost Top / Pole Side / String Suspension
  • TermékcsoportAgathos
  • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
  • Megjelenés dátuma2018-02-14
  • Verziószám2
  • Magasság (mm)695
  • Szélesség (mm)435
  • Mélység (mm)435
Kapcsolódó adatok
  • Elsődleges anyagAlumínium
  • Másodlagos anyagAlumínium
  • Tervezés helyeOlaszország
  • Gyártás helyeOlaszország
  • Nettó tömeg (kg)8
  • BIMobject kategóriaVilágítás - Padlóra szerelhető
  • IFC besorolásvilágítási alkatrész
  • ETIM CodeEC000062
  • ETIM NameLuminaire for streets and places
  • UNSPSC névLighting Fixtures and Accessories
  • UNSPSC kód3911
  • Uniclass 2015 kódPr_70_70_48_73
  • Uniclass 2015 leírásRoad lighting luminaires
  • ProductPage.DetailedInfo.Classifications.COBIetypeCategoryPr_70_70_46_44
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kód26 56 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 névExterior Lighting
  • OmniClass szám23-35 47 11
  • OmniClass névLighting Fixtures
  • CSI UniFormat II kódD5020
  • CSI Uniformat II névLighting & Branch Wiring