Termékek közzététele


    The Termosolaio is a formwork panel for creating reinforced concrete beam slabs cast in place of inter-floor, roofing or foundation. The panels are totally in expanded polystyrene and have a standard width of 60 cm. The panels have a central recess for the formation of the supporting beam in reinforced concrete. and an insulating bottom (under the joist) with variable thickness from 4 cm to 8 cm which joins the two EPS lightening parts. Each panel has 2 "Pittini-type" metal trusses incorporated inside, making it self-supporting in the first phase up to 2.00 meters and two "C" profiles with a distance of 30 cm for anchoring the plasterboard cladding.
    • Construction of a flat or inclined floor, consisting of prefabricated formwork panels with a width of 60cm, variable length, totally in self-extinguishing expanded polystyrene, with a density of not less than 18Kg / m3, suitably shaped with a central recess (joist with variable EPS bottom from 4.0cm to 8.0cm) ready to receive the pouring of concrete (resistance class Rck 30N / mm2 and consistency S4 or as required by the report of reinforced concrete structure) to create a floor with beams in reinforced concrete cast on site for an accidental overload of 200 kg / m² and a permanent load of 200 kg / m² (unless otherwise specified for load), in addition to the floor's own weight. The panels can be accessorised with two trusses that give self-supporting capacity in the first phase up to 2.00m and two "C" profiles placed at 1.0cm from the formwork bottom and 30cm pitch, for the preparation of the final finish on the intrados with plasterboard sheets. Special slots in the bottom identify its positioning. A steel spacer placed inside the joist allows positioning at the correct distance from the bottom.
    Műszaki specifikáció
    • Egyedi azonosítótermosolaio
    • Termékcsaládtermosolaio
    • Termékcsoporttermosolaio
    • TípusÉpítészeti alapanyagok
    • Megjelenés dátuma2022-11-29
    • Verziószám1
    Kapcsolódó adatok
    • Gyártás helyeOlaszország
    • BIMobject kategóriaÉpítkezés - Szintek, lapok és padlózatok
    • IFC besorolásBlokk

    Termék elérhetősége
