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Siniat Nida ceiling DK/MFC - 30
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Siniat Nida ceiling DK/MFC - 30

4.6 sur 5 étoiles4.6(5 Avis)

Suspended ceilings function aesthetically, hiding installations or structural components of the ceiling running above. They also create a fire resistant barrier and insulate the room acoustically and thermally. The sheathing of the ceiling construction is usually a 12.5 mm or 15 mm plasterboard. Special sound-absorbing ceilings use perforated plasterboards. The construction of a suspended ceiling grid consists of cold-formed sections installed in a single or double layered crossover. Suspended ceilings are hung on either rotary hangers with a spring and fixing rods or, in the case of fire protection ceilings, on nonius hangers or components for direct installation. 

Nida DK/MFC/CD60-30 suspended ceiling is a ceiling with Nida plasterboard sheathing (2x15mm) on a two-level cross structure made of Nida MFC profiles. The ceiling is suspended with a MFC angles. The use of this type construction, makes the ceiling very stiff. All elements of construction are connected by screws. Thanks to this, it is the strongest construction in Siniat offer and it allows to achieve high maximum loads.

  • Suspended ceiling on a double-layered crossover steel strucutre (NIDA MF) with a 2x15.0 mm plasterboard layer.
    System's properties depending on used panel types:
    • NIDA DK/MFC-30/Ogien+: weight 29.7 kg/m2; fire resistance EI60.
    • NIDA DK/MFC-30/Twarda: weight 33.5 kg/m2; fire resistance EI60.
    • NIDA DK/MFC-30/Hydro: weight 29.7 kg/m2; fire resistance EI60.
Spécifications techniques
  • Réference unique.DK_MFC_30_ceiling
  • Famille de produitsCeilings
  • Groupe de produitsSuspended ceilings
  • TypeObjet (objet simple)
  • Date de publication2017-09-20
  • Numéro d'édition1
En rapport
  • Matériel principalGypse
  • Matériel secondaireAcier
  • Conçu enPologne
  • Fabriqué enPologne
  • BIMobject CatégorieConstruction - Plafond
  • Classification IFCPlafond
  • Nom UNSPSCGypsum board
  • Code UNSPSC30161509
  • Code Uniclass 2015Ss_30_25_10_10
  • Description de l'Uniclass 2015Board suspended ceiling systems
  • Code CSI MasterFormat 201409 50 00
  • Titre CSI MasterFormat 2014Ceilings
  • Numéro OmniClass23-15 19 00
  • Titre OmniClassCeiling Coverings, Claddings, and Linings
  • Code CSI UniFormat IIC1010
  • Titre CSI UniFormat IIPartitions