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Protecta FR Graphite
Protecta FR Graphite

    Protecta FR Graphite

    Protecta® FR Graphite is a high specification formulation designed to prevent the spread of fire, smoke and gases through openings in fire rated walls and floors. FR Graphite expands when it is subjected to fire and closes openings around penetrations when any combustible or low temperature melting materials have burnt away.

    FR Graphite is designed to fire seal difficult services which traditional fire rated mastics do not achieve such as large plastic pipes.

    FR Graphite can be used with suitable filling material, i.e. stone wool or Protecta Backing material in order to ensure correct width to depth ratio and to reduce the shrinking of the sealant during curing. The minimum depth and maximum width of the joints are included in the installation instructions. Thermal activation takes place at 150 °C when the material will expand (intumesce) to prevent the passage of fire and smoke for periods up to 4 hours.

      • Classified in most constructions for plastic pipes, cables and combustible pipe insulations.
      • Easy to apply.
      • High sound insulation (Rw 53 dB).
      • Low emissions - environmentally and user friendly.
      • Permanently flexible – will accommodate movement up to 12.5%.
      • No priming necessary for application to most materials; see the installation instructions for further details.
      • Suitable for most surfaces, including concrete, bricks, Leca, steel, wood, gypsum, glass, plastics and most non-porous surfaces.
      • Hardens quickly, tack-free after 1 hour.
      • The fire performance specification of the joint filler has been derived when the joint filler has been allowed to cure for 30 days.
      • 30 years working life.
      • The product holds the following approval marks; CE-mark for Europe, UL-EU Certificate Internationally and UAE Certificate of Compliance.
    Spécifications techniques
    • Réference unique.Protecta_FR_Graphite
    • Famille de produitsProtecta
    • Groupe de produitsFR Graphite
    • TypeObjet (objet simple)
    • Date de publication2020-03-17
    • Numéro d'édition1
    En rapport
    • Matériel principalAutres
    • Conçu enRoyaume-Uni
    • Fabriqué enRoyaume-Uni
    • BIMobject CatégorieSécurité Incendie - Coupe-feu
    • Classification IFCObjet