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Collection Savia colour Crema Floor Tiles

Collection Savia colour Crema Floor Tiles

"Only through an internal sense of calm was man able to discover and create restful settings". This maxim by Stephen Gardiner inspired Keraben’s design team in the creation of Savia, a collection that reproduces all the neutral appeal of modern wood. Conceived to infuse settings with a restful sensation of warmth, Savia comes in a new 150x24.8 format, not far off the size of real recently cut timber. The collection features 24 different designs. To create it, powder glaze was used to ensure greater resistance, with a special satin finish for an added sense of depth and a series of effects evocative of wood’s gentle wear and tear.
  • Floor Tile: 75x18,5: Blanco, Blanco Antislip, Crema, Century, Gris, Roble, Roble Antislip. 150x24,8: Blanco, Blanco Antislip, Crema, Century, Gris, Roble, Roble Antislip. Skirting: 8x75: Blanco, Crema, Century, Gris, Roble. Technical Issues: Colored Body Porcelain Base Mate Anti-freeze Rectificated Sides Destonification: Product with very High Shade Variation (V4) Traffic: High Traffic (Uso 5)
Spécifications techniques
  • Réference unique.savia_crema_pavimentos
  • Famille de produitsFloor Tiles
  • Groupe de produitsSavia
  • TypeMatériaux de construction
  • Date de publication2017-09-25
  • Numéro d'édition1
En rapport
  • Matériel principalCéramique
  • Conçu enEspagne
  • Fabriqué enEspagne
  • BIMobject CatégorieMatériaux de construction - Carrelage
  • Classification IFCCouverture
  • Nom UNSPSCTiles and flagstones
  • Code UNSPSC301317
  • Code Uniclass 2015Pr_35_93_96_19
  • Description de l'Uniclass 2015Ceramic tiles
  • Code CSI MasterFormat 201409 30 13
  • Titre CSI MasterFormat 2014Ceramic Tiling
  • Numéro OmniClass23-15 17 13 13 13
  • Titre OmniClassCeramic Tile Flooring
  • Code CSI UniFormat IIC30