Julkaise tuotteesi
endura above-ground 3-stage hydraulic

endura above-ground 3-stage hydraulic

4.3 out of 5 stars4.3(7 reviews)
The endura Twinpost above-ground 3-stage is a hydraulic elevator. The 3-stage telescoping design can travel up to 33 ft. 6 ½ in. with minimum pit and overhead or up to 48 ft. 3 ½ in. with a small increase in pit and/or overhead. Features and benefits: • This configuration provides the maximum height for hydraulic elevators that cannot support the drilling of a cylinder hole below ground • There’s no need to drill a hole in the ground, reducing oil contamination risks • Travels at speeds of 80, 100, 125, 150 fpm • Capacities of 2100 – 5000 pounds • Cab design options include powder coated, brushed stainless or an assortment of solid, patterned, or wood grain laminates. • Smooth, quiet and efficient performance
Tekniset tiedot
  • Yksilöity viiteendura-above-ground-3-stage-hydraulic-NA
  • Tuoteperheelevator
  • Tuoteryhmäendura elevator
  • TyyppiObjekti (yksittäinen objekti)
  • Julkaisupäivä2018-06-01
  • Painoksen numero1
  • Ensisijainen materiaaliTeräs
  • Suunniteltu:Yhdysvallat
  • Valmistettu:Saksa
  • BIMobject-luokkaRakentaminen - Nostojärjestelmät

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Puerto Rico