Julkaise tuotteesi
Cambridge Receptacles

Cambridge Receptacles

Cambridge Receptacles
This space efficient receptacle embodies style and elegance, while maintaining a durable steel shell. The compact dimensions of this product allow it to co-exist in settings where space is of the essence, yet sustain a liberal 20 gallon waste capacity. The Cambridge comes with a rigid plastic liner and steel anchoring plates where security is needed. Additional options include a stainless steel ash inlay and adjustable leveling feet.

Choose dome top or ash top; stainless, powdercoat or Duracoat finish; and color.

Sustainability and LEED
Cambridge Receptacles CityView benches have a recycled material content of 84% of which 73% is post consumer content. This content may vary based on the product design, product material type, and interchangeable piece parts. All styles are 100% recyclable. For more information about SiteScapes sustainable products and policies, please refer to our environmental statement.
Tekniset tiedot
  • Yksilöity viitesitescapes-023
  • TuoteperheLandscaping
  • TuoteryhmäTrash Receptors
  • TyyppiObjekti (yksittäinen objekti)
  • Julkaisupäivä2017-01-04
  • Painoksen numero1
  • Suunniteltu:Yhdysvallat
  • Valmistettu:Yhdysvallat
  • BIMobject-luokkaMaisemointi - Jätteet ja kierrätys
  • IFC-luokitusKaluste
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 -koodi12 93 23
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 -nimikeTrash and Litter Receptacles

Alueellinen saatavuus
